~Jack Johnson~

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Break Down

You and the Jacks grew up together along with your twin brother, Jackson when you two were living in a foster home. When the Jacks were just joining MAGCON, Jackson focused on launching his basketball career, and you were taking interest in modeling. You all made sure to keep in touch and never forget each other if one became bigger than the other. You and Jackson moved to Miami around the time the Jacks moved to L.A. It was hard trying to stay in contact due to the distance and all the traveling everyone did.

When Jackson was diagnosed with cancer that had started in his leg, he was pissed. They had to cut off his leg to try and stop it from spreading through the rest of his body. Losing his leg meant no more basketball career. You stuck by him through everything, even when he treated you like shit, tried disowning you as a sister, blaming it on you, and even when all his friends flaked on him, you were there. You had to put your modeling career on hold to care for your brother. Even though the news about your brother was all over the media, you still tried reaching out to the Jacks. They would call or Facetime for a while but eventually stopped.

When the time came for you to watch your brother be buried 6 feet under, you felt like a part of you went with him. The Jacks showed up at the funeral and you lashed out at them. Saying they never helped or cared about you or brother. Only to find out they were the ones paying for everything when you thought it was Jackson's retirement money but it wasn't. You forgave them but still felt let down because they weren't actually there.

Weeks after your brother's passing, everything changed. But mostly you changed. You shut out a lot of people, mainly anyone who tried to help or get close to you. You moved to L.A. with a roommate, Kelsey, not telling the Jacks, but they soon found out from social media. They gave you a call and you all caught up. You and the Jacks became best friends again. You and Johnson became even closer once Gilinsky started dating Madison, and would often be with her.

Johnson and you hung out anytime you were both free from working. It felt as if you two never lost contact. You would tell him everything and he listened. Anytime you were seeing or dating someone, Johnson would keep his distance, and that's when you became closer with Kelsey.

You've been in New York for fashion week and wasn't expected to fly back home until the weekend, but you just missed your boyfriend, Mason. You two have been together for over 3 years now. You were starting to miss him and didn't want to wait till the weekend so you left. You were going to his surprise him.

You pulled to the house and got out of your car. You had a key so you just went in. As you walked towards the living room, the sounds of moaning and groaning were getting louder and louder the closer you got.

"Oh fuck Mason, right there!" She moaned. It was Kelsey. Mason was cheating on you...with Kelsey, who was supposed to be your best friend.

"Wow," you say catching their attention.

"Y/n, baby, I'm sorry I-"

"Save it." I silenced him. "I'm happy for you two. I would've never thought the two people I put so much of my trust in would betray me and stab me in the back." You walked over to where Mason kept his one of a kind baseball bat with Babe Ruths' signature. You grabbed it and began tapping the top of it on the palm of your hand. You were thinking about what your next move was going to be.

"Y/n what the hell are you doing with that? Put it down."

"I will. Right after I'm done using it." You say walking to his white mustang that was parked outside. "I think I remember you telling me that if anything ever happened to your precious Snow White, you would just die." You said, remembering he called his white mustang, Snow White. Taking the bat getting ready to swing it, you paused, "start digging baby boy." You shattered all the mirrors, the headlights, the windows, and beat up the car. You finished with the bat broken in half. "You two enjoy your night." You say out of breath before walking to your car and driving off.

You banged on the door, hoping he'd be home. The door swung open to a shirtless Johnson. "Y/n? I thought you were in New York until Friday night?"

"Yeah well came to surprise Mason," you explain walking in. "Only I came home to a surprise," you laughed, "Kels and Andre fucking on his couch. Two people I thought were the most important people ever," you laughed again shaking your head. Johnson could see right through your act, always could. He knew you were hurting.


"No Jack, don't dare start with bullshit! Things happen for a reason, Y/n. There's someone out there who'll treat you the way you should be treated. They don't know what they lost! Fuck that! It's all a fucking lie! You lied to me Jack, y-you promised e-everything would get better y-you promised m-me." You broke down in his arms. Johnson felt bad. When he told her those things, he was referring to himself. He was that someone that'd treat her that should be treated.

You looked up at him. "What's wrong with me? Why doesn't anyone love me?"

"I love you."

"You know what I mean Johnson." You mumble sitting on the couch. Johnson took a seat next to you.

"I'm serious Y/n, I love you." He says straight into your eyes. "And not in a friend or brother kind of way, I mean in an I want you to mine. I want to show you how you're supposed to be treated and so much more."

You've never really thought of Johnson like this. Well, maybe a few times when you two were together hanging out and he'd try to flirt with you but you paid no mind to it.

"Show me then." He looked at you confused. "Show me how I'm supposed to be treated and so much more. Show me that not all guys are the same. Show me what a real loyal guy is. Show me, Johnson."

Johnson's lips crashed into yours as his hand one tangled in your curls and the other picking you and straddling you on his lap. "J-Jack upstairs, not h-here." You say in between kisses. He got up making his way upstairs not letting any space between you two.

Johnson kicked his room door closed with his foot as he undressed you. You were now in your matching red lace bra and panties. You pushed him on the bed crawled on top of him.

"I'm in charge." You said to him seductively before connecting your lips to his neck making love bites. He moaned in pleasure before flipping you two over.

"You asked me to show you," he lowered down to your ear and whispered, "then babygirl that's exactly what I'm going to do."

That night Johnson, sure enough, showed you how you were supposed to be treated in so many ways. Good thing Gilinsky was at Madison's for the weekend. The next morning the two of you did it in the shower as well.


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