Chapter Twenty Seven

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Justin's P.O.V

*A week later*

"Fuck!" I shouted, slamming the front door behind me. I'd just been over to Scooter's to see what my situation was, and how bad, unfortunately its bad, very bad. 

*Scooter's house*

"Justin you need to get this act together!" He exclaimed, running his fingers through whatever was left of his hair. I shook my head, mumbling something to myself. He just doesn't get it does he? It wasn't even me in the first place. I was accused of something I didn't do, and as if the whole thing wasn't bad enough, Scooter just had to stick his nose in as well. "It wasn't me! I was accused!" I shouted, catching his attention. There has only been a few times since I've met Scooter that I have shouted at him like that, he's only seen me angry about twice too. But this time I just couldn't help but get angry. I didn't even do it, yet the fact that I was innocent never went out in the world. Why? 'Make a person look bad, and the stories sell, make a person look good, and no one gives a fuck'

True story. That's why nothing has gone out about me being innocent here, just the fact that my house got raided, and that 'weed' was found, when it wasn't. "You clearly did if its all over the news Justin!" He snapped back, pointing at the telly. He was right, the world sees me as a criminal. "But I'm innocent! The police didn't find anything!" I spat, shutting the telly off before I completely lost it. I can't take it any more. I can't take this stress of being a 'pop star' any more. You take a good guy, put him in front of the camera and hassle him, accuse him of being the bad guy until one day, that human, turns into a monster. The media created a monster, and he's living inside of me. "You better sort this shit out before I do!"


"Justin, everything okay?" Tuka mumbled, poking her head around the living room door. Suit cases and bags were around the door, making me stumble and hit the ground, only making my anger worse. "Fucking hell! Move these pieces of crap before someone trips and actually breaks something!" I snapped, watching as Za took them outside, placing them into the boot. Tuka just stood there, tears brimming in her eyes, making me snap back to reality. I just shouted at her, I just had a go at her for no reason whatsoever. "T-Tuka I.." I stuttered, seeing her shake her head, and shut the door behind her. 

"God.."I hissed, running my fingers through my hair in frustration. "Maybe this holiday is what you need.." Za chuckled, chucking a few bags my way. I grunted in response, helping him load the car. "We'll have a drag race lesson when we get there.. I heard the teacher is pretty hot.." He winked, running inside, probably to get Tuka. I sighed, climbing into the front passenger of the car, before slamming it shut. Something inside is telling me this whole holiday is a bad idea.

A really bad idea.

Tuka's P.O.V

How could he even have the decency to shout at me like that? I mean come on, I know he's stressed about what's happened over the past week but there was no need for him to even think about snapping like that. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't angry, I was beyond angry with him right now, and on the day of our holiday. What a great start! Not. We boarded the plane and after 5 agonising hours beside Justin, who was constantly poking me, we had finally arrived in Miami. The sun was shining and I honestly couldn't wait to hit the beach. We headed straight over to the hotel, which was of course, located right on the beach side. "I take dibs on the room with the balcony!" I shouted, opening the door quickly, earning groans from Za and Justin. I chuckled loudly, opening the door to see the most beautiful room. The white sheets, and huge telly, along with a beautiful balcony to sit on. I opened the balcony door, feeling the warm wind tickle my face. "Aye boo! Why don't you come down and play some volley?" A group of boys shouted, who were setting up a net. I nodded quickly, digging through my suit cases to find my bikini and shorts. After finally being satisfied with what I was wearing I ran through the hotel, only to be pulled to a halt by Justin. "Where are you going?" He questioned, raising his eyebrows at me. I copied him, trying my best to keep a straight face. "I'm going to make some friends and play volley ball if that's okay with you?" I spat maybe a little too harshly for my liking, but Justin had it coming to him. "Like that?" He scoffed, eyeing up my outfit. I rolled my eyes, pushing past him before sending him my middle finger. I couldn't care, I just want to have fun. You only live once right?

"aye boo, you came!" One of the guys smiled, hugging me tightly. The beach was warm and the sand was soft beneath my feet. "I'm Jack, this is Chase, James and Ethan.." He smiled, pointing over to the other guys. I waved shyly, blushing slightly. "You'll be on my team, along with James, Chase and Ethan on the other while they wait for Matt..." He smiled, handing me the ball carefully. I chucked it up in the air, hitting it with my fist as it went over to the other side. If I'm honest it felt good hitting something, it was getting rid of all the anger I had built up inside. "Boo!" Jack shouted, just as something hit my head, sending me to the ground. I rubbed my head where the impact hit, everyone surrounding me. "You okay boo?" Jack asked, trying his best to contain his laughter that was begging to come out. I couldn't help but burst out laughing at how stupid I must of looked, confusing everyone else but they soon caught on and laughed along with me. "You need to stop day dreaming boo, you'll get hurt.." Jack winked, handing me the ball once again. "Ready?" 


"So, you had a dream about this guy, who was your brothers best friend, and ended up getting with him?" Chase asked, taking another gulp of his beer. I just nodded, smiling to myself as the sun set in front of us. I wonder what Justin's doing right now, whether he's in the hotel or hit the streets. Either way I couldn't care right now. "And he had a dream about an anonymous girl, which turned out to be you? But because of his girlfriend at the time, he couldn't do anything about it?" Ethan asked, earning another nod from me. The boys have opened up to me too. Jack came from a violent background, his dad use to hit his mother and himself. Chase came from a rich family, had everything he wanted throughout his childhood other than friends. James was a typical bloke, who just had trouble with pulling a few girls, and Ethan? Ethan was a smart chap, who'd do anything to stop a women from getting hurt, he respects women, for what they have to go through in a lifetime, and I like that. "So, your friend Matt didn't show up.." I mumbled, thinking back to when Jack said about him joining us. "He's got business.. He's a dangerous guy you see? So I was lucky he didn't turn up..." Ethan mumbled, handing me another beer which I turned down. I can't drink too much, else Ill end up throwing up everywhere, and we don't want that. "Well, its about time we hit the streets, you coming boo?" Jack asked, collecting everything up. "I should be getting back to the hotel, my brother would be worrying about where I am.. See you tomorrow?" I asked, collecting my things too, which wasn't a lot. "Of course boo, have a good night.." They all smiled, hugging me swiftly before heading further down the beach. I couldn't believe how much fun I was having on this holiday, I actually made new friends without thinking about who will hate me, who'll be judging me. "how was it?" Za asked as I walked through the door. I smiled widely, hopping up and down in excitement. "I made new friends without even worrying!" I exclaimed, watching as he smiled widely. This was a huge achievement for me, due to the fact that throughout whatever I classed as high school, I struggled to even get a friend. "That's great! Tomorrow night me and Justin will be getting some drag racing lessons, you tagging along?" He asked, handing me a glass of water. "Of course!"

But for some reason, I had a bad feeling about this. 

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