Chapter Twelve

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Justin's P.O.V

"Right lets get this over and done with.." I rolled my eyes, taking a seat on a sofa I never thought I'd be sitting on again. If you haven't guessed, I'm at Selena's. Why? We're sorting things out of course. Why? I don't know, I just can't seem to let her go. No matter what I do or say I just can't. I love her, I know that for a fact. "I wanna say sorry.." She whispered, looking over at me. Her eyes were full of guilt and regret. I knew she meant it. "Its fine." I sighed, ruffling my hair as I turned to face her once more. She made her way over, sitting on my lap before planting a kiss on my cheek. "I want to try again.." She whispered, sending shivers down my spine. I wrapped my arms around her, squeezing her tightly. It feels so good to finally have her in my arms again, have her be there for me once again. I feel like nothing can bring me down, nothing can make me feel like nothing. "Thank you.." She whispered, kissing my lips softly. I pulled away, feeling a ping of guilt hit me, but why? I have nothing to be guilty about right? I mean, Tuka's okay, or she was when I left, and everyone else seems to be fine? "So, you wanna upload a photo, so everyone know's we're back together?" She asked, smiling widely, I looked up at her, and thought of tour, as I shook my head. "Not until after Christmas.." I mumbled, feeling somewhat sad about not saying anything. But I have to focus on my tour, without worrying about what others say, or do. It wouldn't be fair on my fans either, if I was back with her so quickly. "Okay, we'll wait?" She suggested, playing with the bottom of my hair. I nodded my head, kissing her cheek before standing up. I grabbed my keys, kissing her one last time before heading out towards my car. I need to get back to the house, and make sure no ones killed each other before we start rehearsing. Tuka has spent the past couple of hours in the gym with Fredo. Not that I mind, I think its good she's trying to get back into shape. It just shows she is really trying. As I pulled up to my house, I saw the door was left wide open. I frowned, making my way inside, only to hear the screaming and cries from Tuka. I rushed up the stairs, towards where everyone was. My heart sank as I saw her, curled up in the corner. I looked over at Za, who was beside me, his eyes full of pain. "She got a call from Mark." He mumbled, pulling me over to the corner. She cried, begging for someone to help her. But no one could do anything, what could they do? "What did he say?" I hissed through my clenched teeth. Its safe to say I was angry, I knew everything that Mark had done, and said. "He said he'd find her, hurt her, and take her away.." Za mumbled, not making eye contact. He stared over at his poor sister. The way the fought against her fathers arms as he tried to hold her still. "That won't happen!" I snapped, running my fingers through my hair in frustration. You can never catch a break when you're famous, never. "How did it go with Selena?" Za asked, as Tuka screamed once more. I don't know what came over me, but I just snapped. I turned on the balls of my feet, storming over to Tuka. I picked her up bridal style, taking her into my room. I laid her on the bed, her cries getting quieter. "He won't hurt you, you hear me?" I hissed, trying my best not to come across as an ass. She just nodded, running her fingers through her hair as her whole body shook. "I'm sorry.." She whispered, before pushing herself off the bed, making her way outside. Why is it just one drama after the other?

Tuka's P.O.V

I sat in my room quietly, everyone walking away to give me some space. I don't know what came over me, but when Mark rang me, something just clicked. Like a switch. I go into panic mode and start screaming for help. To be honest sometimes I don't even know I'm doing it until someone takes me away. "Hey.." I looked up, seeing Fredo stood by the door. I patted the space beside me, moving over as he stumbled towards me. "You alright?" He murmured, running his hands down my back. I nodded, sighing deeply as I remember the look on everyone's faces. "If it wasn't for Justin we wouldn't be talking right now, you'd still be there.." Fredo mumbled, chuckling to himself. Justin. The only person that's keeping me here. Why? I don't know. I don't know why I'm still here. Why I'm waiting for something to happen. I know it won't. I know he saw Selena today, and I know he's back with her. But I don't know why I stay around, why I put myself through so much. "Why are you so hung up over Justin?" Fredo asked, snapping me out of my own thoughts. If I was being honest, I was a little taken back from his question, wondering why he would ask such a thing. But I only had one answer. "Part of the reason that I hold onto something so tight, is because I fear that something so great won't happen twice.." I explained, avoiding eye contact with him. He sighed, kissing my cheek before heading for the door. But he soon came to a halt as he stared from the side of the door. Frowning as he pulled Justin from behind it. I gasped, covering my mouth. Did he hear everything I just said? "I-I came to talk to you.." He stuttered, sitting beside me as Fredo made his way outside. I don't know why, but I had a feeling in my stomach that this wasn't good news. "Me and Selena, we're back on.." He explained, avoiding eye contact with me. I knew it. I sighed, making my way outside my room, leaving Justin inside. I felt tears trickle down my cheeks as I pushed myself to walk outside. Once I was in the garden, making sure no one was around. I let out a sob, trying my best to contain it but I couldn't no more. He was with her, just like he's always wanted. It was never about me, never about me in the first place. I thought back to the day we actually met. He walked in and told me he was going to sound crazy, that he'd had a dream about me, and he wanted me around. But now I don't think its about the dream, its like he just wants to see me fall.

No One's P.O.V

As Tuka tried her best to calm herself down, Paul and Za made their way over to Justin, making sure he was listening carefully. "Don't you dare, pull my daughter into your pathetic mind games you hear me?" Paul hissed, causing Justin to jump at his sudden tone. Of course he knew this was coming, he knew this would happen at one point. "Okay.."

"I'm serious, you can't keep doing this.." Paul sighed, running his fingers through whatever was left of his hair. Justin sat nervously, realising what he had actually .been doing, and how much damage has been done. He began to feel guilty, and Paul soon realised what he had said. "I'm sorry, I just hate seeing my girl cry..." He mumbled, patting Justin's back. Za sat there quietly, feeling as though if he said anything he would loose his friendship. "I'll go talk to her before rehearsals." Justin mumbled, nodding to both of them before walking out. Tuka was still sat on the steps, feeling as though she has the weight of the world on her shoulders. "Tuka?"

Tuka's P.O.V

"What?" I sighed, looking up to see Justin standing there, his eyes on his feet. He sat beside me, looking up at the sky. "You know, I never meant any of this to happen?" He mumbled, causing me to frown. You see, nothing has ever gone right in my life, nothing. So when I hear things like 'I'm sorry' or 'it wasn't meant to happen' they just, they come out as words, nothing else. "We were meant to be carful about this.. But we weren't.." I chuckled coldly, suddenly feeling nothing but anger boil through my body. I was angry, of course I was. I was done crying, done feeling sorry for myself. No one can fix this, or make it better but me. I need to fix myself, make sure no one hurts me once more. "It wasn't meant to be like this.." Justin sighed, running his fingers through his hair. I don't know why I did it. But I lifted my hand, and smacked him around the face. I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel any better. He lifted his face, his face as shocked as mine. "I-I'm sorry.." I stuttered, my hands shaking as they skimmed over the red flesh. He shook his head, chuckling slightly. I frowned, confused as to why he found it so funny. "I guess I deserved that huh?" He laughed, rubbing his cheek. "Why did you play me?" I mumbled, covering my mouth as the words flowed out. Justin snapped his head towards mine, guilt filled his eyes. "I didn't mean to.." He whispered, his voice breaking slightly. I shook my head, standing up before making my way inside. I can't believe he doesn't even realise that he used me. That he hurt me. "Justin spoke to you?" Za asked, looking up from his phone as he sat on the sofa. "I slapped him.." I mumbled, looking down at my hands. I still can't believe I did it, but I did. Za laughed loudly, clutching his side. I thought he was Justin's friend? "I guess he deserved it.." He shrugged, pushing himself off the sofa as he made his way outside to where Justin was. For some reason, in this moment of time, I feel better about myself. I feel stronger, and no longer scared of anything. "Rehearsals now!" Scooter shouted from the studio Justin has managed to hide in his house. I felt my stomach drop as I walked towards the big studio, mirrors at the front and sides. Scooter clapped his hands, motioning someone to stand beside me. I kept my eyes on the mirror in front of me, seeing Justin beside me. As the music started my body swayed, just like it did the first time we did this. But it had been a while since I danced. My body was smaller, a little weaker too, making it harder for Justin to grasp within the songs. Not that I was complaining, it was better this way. A whole lot better.

Justin's P.O.V

As I watched Tuka swirl one last time, pushing against my chest as she walked backwards. I grabbed her wrists, pulling her towards me, leaning her backwards. Our lips brushed slightly, sending sparks through my body. This shouldn't be happening. Before our lips could touch Tuka pulled away, walking over to Fredo. He wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing her cheek as he complimented her. I know it was a friendly gesture, but anyone could of taken it the wrong way. Why am I worrying anyway? She isn't mine, never had been. I watched as he tickled her, her giggled ringing through the studio. "I heard she slapped you.." Za chuckled nudging me in the side. I shook my head, cracking a smile. "She's got a good hit." I complimented, nudging him back. He raised his eyebrows, punching my arm playfully. "She gets it from me." He smiled, running away before I could even hit him back. "Again!"

*few hours later*

"I love you too.." Selena's voice rang through the phone before she hung up. We were leaving for your today, as there is only one month left until Christmas break, and honestly? I couldn't wait. Just the thought of being around my family just makes me want to fly through the next month. "Plane leaves in an hour come on!" Scooter shouted making me snap out of my thoughts. I grabbed my cases rushing down the stairs before shoving them in the back of the car. I waited for scooter to lock up before starting the ignition. I just hope this next month flies by.

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