Chapter Ten

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Tuka's P.O.V
"You know, you should really stop wearing those.." Za mumbled, referring to my big collection of bracelets on my wrists. Each one has a different meaning, each one represents something. But hide another. I shrugged towards him, dishing up a plate full of Bacon and Eggs before placing them on the table. Justin and Za rushed to get a seat, almost instantly tucking in. If it was only Za, I wouldn't of bothered chuckling, or making weird noises but the fact that both of them were doing it, I couldn't help but laugh. "So, what is the plan for today?" I smiled, leaning over the table towards them both. They pushed their empty plates away, sighing slightly as they wiped their faces. "We actually have to go back... Tour starts tomorrow for another month or so, then its Christmas break." Justin explained, nodding his head as he went along. I rolled my eyes, thinking of how much I'd have to work until Christmas. Its like this boy can't even have a decent break. "But Christmas break is always longer.." Justin shrugged, standing from his place before heading to his bedroom. Since last night he's been, cold I suppose. As if someone has said something, or I've done something bad without realising it. "Don't worry about him, he's just got a lot going on.." Za explained, patting my back as he walked past me. I sighed quietly, running my fingers through my hair. I thought back to last night, how we shared so much, and the night before. It was weird having a friend I could talk to, tell so much to. Yet, at the same time it makes me feel bad, because I get the cold shoulder a lot. Without even doing anything it just happens. I finished washing the dishes before heading back to my room, well Justin's room. He was sat on the edge of the bed, his head in his hands as he stared down at the half packed suit case. I didn't say anything, I didn't know what to say. I mean, what can you say? I quietly stepped past him, grabbing my own bags before carefully placing everything inside, zipping it up and placing it by the door. Justin still sat there, staring into space. I sighed, kneeling in front of him, placing the rest of his stuff into the case, before zipping it up and placing it beside my own. "Tuka.." He croaked, lifting his head up from his hands. I turned to face him, seeing his eyes red and puffy. It broke my heart seeing him like this, even though I didn't know the reason. "Justin, what's wrong?" I whispered, walking over to him. He wrapped his hands around my waist, pulling me into him as he let out a sob. "I'm scared of going back.. I'm scared of my break after Christmas..." He cried, gripping my top tightly. I ran my fingers through his hair, kissing the top of his head softly. "It'll be okay, you know why? Because I'm here, I promise.." I whispered, lifting his head up. He smiled weakly, wiping his eyes before breaking deeply. "Sorry, I just, worry sometimes you know? Something might go wrong.." I frowned as he spoke, twiddling my fingers together. "How long is your break?" I mumbled, walking over towards our bags. Justin stopped me before I could lift them up, taking them into his own hands. "A year.. Maybe less. Depends what happens really.." He mumbled, walking through the door. I never even realised Justin was taking a year break. Not that it mattered really, I mean, we only went out on a date once right? We aren't 'official' Yet, so it doesn't matter. Does it? I mean, yeh he means a lot to me, but he's my best friend? A best friend who took me on a date. That's it. Right?

Justin's P.O.V*Few hours later*
We finally arrived back home, pushing our way through the airport while Za had hold of Tuka. If I'm honest, the only reason I didn't want to come back is because Selena has been in contact. She rang me this morning, telling how she needed to see me, and talk to me. Since then I don't know what to think. I know its stupid, it sounds pretty stupid to me but, that moment her voice rang through the phone, it was different. The way I felt was different comparing to Tuka. I must admit, don't get me wrong, I love Tuka, with everything in my heart but, I love Selena. Me and Selena have history, we have Chemistry. Me and Tuka? We have the Chemistry, just very little history. Meaning there isn't much to loose. But I know Tuka will always be around, as a friend, a sister. This may sound complicated, trust me, its complicated for me but, I can't just let Selena go can I? Without having a final goodbye? Since the night I found her with Harry I've never known what to think. Yes I may have admitted things like, loving Tuka, hating Selena. But we all say things we don't mean right? We all say things that we think, not that we know. That's why I was so worried about coming home, that's why I just broke down. I don't know what to feel, who to feel for. Maybe I should just hear Selena out? Hear what she has to say before I decide anything? That would be better, for all of us. We drove back to my house, placing everything inside before Tuka went outside, leaving me and Za inside. She had been quiet since we left the hotel, not saying a word to either of us. "What's wrong man?" Za shrugged, sitting on the sofa, with a beer in his hands. I sighed, running my fingers through my hair as I debated on whether I should tell him. If I do? I loose one of my best friends, but the truth would be out, if I don't, I suffer by myself. "Don't flip okay?" I mumbled, looking up to face him. He motioned me to continue, placing his can on the table. "I still have feelings for Selena.." I whispered, hearing nothing but silence in return. But it was all too soon, before Za was on his feet, grabbing me by the collar of my shirt, slamming me against the wall. "Say what?" He hissed, pulling me away only to push me back harder. I groaned in pain, feeling the wind slowly getting knocked out of me. "I still love her.." I whispered again, closing my eyes as I waited for a hit, a punch, anything. But he placed me back down, shaking his head slowly. "You played my sister!" He snapped, punching the wall next to me. I flinched as the impact of his fist made a crack. He pushed me once more, before sitting back on the sofa. "Za.." I mumbled, sitting opposite him. His breath was heavy, his body shaking with anger. "I'm not saying its wrong, damn I'm not saying its right either but... You can't help it right?" He mumbled, looking up at me for an answer. I nodded in response, somehow managed to loose my voice. Za sighed, patting my knee as he stood up. "Figure out who you want. This is the last time you play her!" He warned, grabbing his beer before heading out the room, outside where Tuka was. His words rang through my ears. I can't do this to Tuka, but I can't have her holding onto someone who won't love her the same. I grabbed my phone, dialling my mums number before heading upstairs into my room.

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