Chapter Thirty Four

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*Listen to Ride- SoMo when you get to the second paragraph;)*

No One's P.O.V

She stared at the blank wall, so many thoughts running through her mind, so many fears, lies, regret, yet somewhat happiness. Justin sat in the bath, the hot scorching water surrounding him as he was in deep thought. scenarios filled his head, flashes of the fear in Tuka's eyes as Mark charged towards them. The image of her body on the floor, while his was being dragged out. He shook his head, growing frustration as he tried to push the thoughts away. Downstairs, Tuka's head was shaking vigarously, tears streaming down her cheeks as she slammed her fists against the sofa, letting out a scream. Justin slammed his hands against the side of the bath, letting out somewhat painful cry. Tuka's head shot up, hearing Justin's cry, everything flooding back to her as she snapped back to reality. Justin ran out the bath, quickly drying himself before chucking on some pants and a pair of sweats. Tuka rushed up the stairs as quick as she could, the fear of Justin doing something stupid running through her mind. He ran down the hallway, trying to make it to the stairs as he heard her painful cry, her cry for help. His mind running with questions. She reached the stairs, hurrying towards Justin's room, tears fell even more when she saw him, running towards her. It was almost as if they hadn't seen each other in years, like they'd been separated from each other. But the truth is, since last night, they were both completely numb from each other. They both shut off, shut everyone else out. They felt nothing, nothing at all, like their whole body just, died off. They were physically there, just not mentally. Justin wrapped his arms around Tuka tightly, spinning her around as she cried into him. He put her down, his arms still tightly around her, as they stared at each other for a moment. 

*listen to the song now;)*

They didn't say anything, they didn't need to. In that moment, they realised that through everything that has gone on within the past few months of 2014, they still had each other. They didn't split, or break. They had a few bumps in the road, but nothing could push either of them away from each other. They have their moments, their small arguments, and a few tears. But nothing to the point where they had to leave one another. Justin's fingers found the ring that was carefully wrapped around her petite finger, his lips forming a smile as did hers. His lips hovered over hers for a second, teasing her, making her breath hitch slightly, but enough to make Justin smirk. He knew what effect he had on her, but he knew what hold she had on him. Their lips danced and swirled together, Justin's arms holding onto the small of Tuka's back as she jumped and wrapped her legs around him. Their moans and gasps filled the air as they made it into Justin's room, locking the door after them. She laid on the bed, Justin removing their clothing one by one. She sucked in a harsh breath as his lips found her stomach, trailing down to the place where she needed him the most. He smirked ever so slightly as his lips moved away, connecting with her thighs, sucking and biting, creating love bites. He trailed his lips back up to her neck, leaving bites all over her body. She bucked her hips up to his, groaning at the contact and friction that was shared. His chest was against hers, the heat that was shared could be felt around them.

"Do it again.." He growled, he threw his head back as she created friction, pulsing pleasure between them. He rummaged through his side draw, pulling out what he needed before wrapping himself. She threw her head into the pillows, her back arching as he pushed himself into her slowly. He made sure to love every single piece of her body. From the tip top down to her feet. Their moans and soft whispers filled the room as their body movements got faster, deeper, and harder. As they reached their high, Justin's head rested in the crook of her neck, his breath tickling her skin as the pleasure becam to pulsate between them. "Justin.." She whispered, feeling the pleasure growing at the pit of her stomach, he nodded effortlessly, slowing down ever so slightly, hoping to make it last longer. "I love you.." Was the last thing he whispered before their moans and screams filled the air. The panting of their breath and the beating of their hearts was the only noise between them. Tuka whimpered slightly as he removed himself, resting his head on her chest. It was obvious now, how much they missed and needed each other. Tuka looked down at the boy, the fragile innocent boy who she'd fallen for. She knew she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him, to hold him, love him, give birth to his children, and grow old with him. She was determined, ready to take the risks, the pain, and the chances.


Tuka's P.O.V

"Guys the police are here.." Za mumbled, opening the kitchen door to reveal two rather young looking men. They nodded at both me and Justin as we walked through the door. I sat beside Justin, my nerves running all over the place. This wasn't just a normal police interview for a statement. This was the one where I'd have to confess everything that happened, some parts not even Justin knows, and I'm nervous as to how he'd react. You see, Mark may have beaten me, pushed me to the edge, but he'd push me to others, push me to do things I didn't want to do. I don't know how I'll explain it, and keep myself from reliving the pain I went through. "Okay, first things first, we'd like to ask Justin's side, and his experience with Mark, then we'll obviously ask you next, due to the fact you've known him longer..." One of them asked, nodding towards the door as I walked out, leaving Justin behind. I joined everyone in the kitchen, apart from Jeremy and the kids, he thought they needed some time outside due to the fact that they've been cooped up for a while. I thought it was a great idea, including the fact that it would be weird having them here with the police, no child should see someone they love be interviewed by the police, not even if they did nothing wrong. Its still worrying for them. "They interviewing you next?" Pattie asked, handing me a cup of tea. I sat on the little island in the kitchen, placing my cup on the counter. "Yeah, but when they interview me, Justin has to be there.. There's stuff that I have to tell them and Justin doesn't even know." I sighed, seeing Za's body tense up. He knew everything of course, as did my dad. But it took a while to tell them everything, so they'd understand if Justin just flipped out. Its not really something you just randomly come out with is it? "Thank you Mr Bieber, if you'd like to join Tuka for her questioning you may.." The door opened, and the officer motioned me in.

I sat beside Justin once more, my body shaking viciously. I was nervous, not for telling them, for telling Justin. "Miss, could you tell us about how Mark treated you when you were together?" One of them asked while the other scribbled down everything we said on the notepad. I took a deep breath, glancing at Justin quickly. 'Goodbye Justin' My mind spoke as I opened my mouth to speak. "He was abusive.. Throughout the whole relationship.. He never let me out, or go see my family.." I mumbled, steadying my breathing as I prepared to drop the bombshell that could cost me my relationship. "I-It wasn't just abuse... H-He use to sell me... To h-his friends.. Force me to have sex with them, just so he could get money..." I whispered, feeling Justin tense beside me, his arms found my waist, catching me by surprise. "That's all we need, thank you Miss. We'll get back to you on how long he spends in prison.. Have a good day.." They smiled, taking themselves outside. I sat there quietly, waiting for Justin to say something, to scream at me. "I understand why you didn't tell me.. You didn't wanna put me off you. But I'd never, ever do anything to hurt you..." He whispered, kissing the back of my neck. I sighed into his touch, feeling his grip tighten. "You'll never have to do anything like that again.. I promise you. As long as I live, you'll never get hurt by that man ever again.." 

"Ill protect you with my life. I'd take a bullet any day, any time, just so you'd be able to live."

Secretly Loving You- Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now