Part 5

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                       Eva's pov

Waking up to my alarm for the third time, I look at the time and realize I hit the snooze button to many times. Jumping out of bed heading for the bathroom taking a two minute shower. As I'm drying off I do my makeup, trying to cover the bruise on my cheek. Running back to my room grabbing a pair of skinny jeans and looking for a shirt grabbing the first one I see.

As I'm heading toward the door I see my black chucks and my red beeni I put them both on and open the door. It's a bit chilly, so I open the closet and grab my black leather jacket, putting it on while making sure I have my keys and wallet, after finding them I head to school.

       At school, lunch with the girls.

As we sat there we talked about normal things, the bus, upcoming parties, boys, nothing new. Not really paying attention to what they're saying while I look around the lunch room. My eyes stop on Chris, who is sitting at his normal table with all of the pentarators. And to my surprise he's watching me. I look away after a minute and look at Noora with a small blush coming over me, as she just smiles. When I look back he's on his phone and I frown, as I start to look away again my phone dings. Opening it, I see I have a text from Chris, smiling I read it to myself.

Chris: Hey, are you staring at me?

Eva: idk who is this?

I hit send and look around like I didn't know who I was taking to.

Chris: Well it looks like your wearing my shirt. So who do you think it is?

Looking down opening my jacket more I see his shirt. "Fuck!" I say a little louder than I wanted. Everyone at the table stops what they're doing and looks at me. "Are you ok what's wrong?" They ask. "Sorry, I just remembered I left some homework at my house." I lie hoping they will believe me, and they do, with that they look away and go back to their conversations. And after they do I grab my phone and text him back.

Eva: How did you like the party the other day? Were you cold without your shirt?
I hit send and laugh to myself​.

Chris: The party was okay. And yes I missed​ who the shirt was on.

Looking up I see him staring​ at me with a smile, and feel myself doing the same.

Eva: Well do you want it back, or are you going to keep staring at me?

Chris: idk I haven't decided yet. Maybe we can meet up after school and discuss it?

Eva: Maybe.

Chris: I'll wait for you in the parking lot after school.

Looking from the text to him I lock my phone and start paying attention to my friends.

                        Last bell.

I talked to Noor and asked her what I should do and she said I should do it. I mean I do have his shirt, although I don't want to give it back to him.

Walking outside and towards the parking lot, half expecting him not to be there, but to my surprise he is. Once I get around to the passenger side he leans over and opens the door from inside and I jump in. "Hey" I say rethinking what I'm doing here. "Hey, I'm glad you came." He says watching me. Starting to get uncomfortable I say "Are you going to keep staring at me or are actually going to start the car?" He smiles like I've never seen before and turns to start the car. "Where are we going?" I ask when I realize I have no clue where we're​ headed. He looks at me then back to the road with a knowing smirk but  doesn't say anything. I know we are going into town but I don't know where in town. I decided that he's probably not going to tell me so I just sit there and wait.

After about 10 minutes we get to a coffee shop, "Seriously, you could have told me we were going to get coffee." I say annoyed. "I know but this was more fun." He says with that stupid smile that makes me want to either smack him or make out with him, I haven't decided which yet. Getting out we head into the shop. He asks what I want and I tell him, as he goes up to buy our food and drinks, I find a table. When he comes back he has our order. He sits down and hands me my green tea and pumpkin muffin. "Thank you Chris" I say with a smile. Chris looks at me and says "Of course."  

Hello people who may be reading this please feel free to give me feed back about the story and tell me what you think will or should happen I would love to know.
The next part will be from Chris pov and I'll probably post it later today.

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