Time Jump....

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One week later
Chris's pov

Its been a week since I saw Eva being dragged out of my house by some goons. Me, William, and Noora have tried looking for her, we went to Shady Okes and to the police, we even tried to explain what happened. I think they where starting to believe us but they can't do anything about it because she is a minor. I hate not knowing what is going on, I contomplated killing her mom but that would be to much work and I would prefer to stay out of jail. And Will stops me from going anywhere, he is with me 24/7 and I don't really know why. Is it to keep me on the straight and narrow or to make sure I don't do anything stupid, or all the above... I need to find my girl I'm nothing with out her.

William's pov

Chris is going crazy, he isn't sleeping and when he does he has nightmares about Eva being taken away, he wakes up screaming and cying. I feel so bad for my friend and there is nothing I can do. Then there's Noora she is sad and worried all the time but she doesn't have nightmares, at least none that I know of. I've been staying with Chris to keep him company and so he doesn't do anything stupid like going to see Eva's mom.

Everyday we go out and 'bother' the cops or people we think could help but nothing, all dead ends. Then I called my dad, he said he has friends in the police department so he'd see what he could find.

I think Chris is starting to think the worst but in trying to keep him positive. The worst part is that I don't know what will happen to him if we don't find her or worse, the worst does happen. I hate to think this but if Eva doesn't come back soon I feel like Chris will start to fade away.

Eva's pov

The beginning of the week

"Where am I?"
"How did I get here?"
"How long have I been here?"
"Where's Chris?"

Opening my eyes I see that I'm in a box of a room. It has padded walls and nothing but a bed in it.

The last thing I remember is my mom showing up, then a doctor came in and gave me something and that's where I am now.

As I try to sit up I suddenly feel pain all over my body, what the fuck happened? I lay back down and try lifting my arms but can't as they are strapped to the bed and the same with my feet. I try to scream but can't, my mouth is so dry and sore. I guess that's from when they took me, which ever day that was. I need to get out of here, and when I get out of here I'm going to kill my mom.

I've currently been awake for 2 hours and I know that because I counted, that's all I could do since I woke up....

A moment later the door opens and 2 guys walk in, one is wearing a lab coat, presumably the doctor, and the other has an all white jump suit. "Len you can wait outside." The doctor says and waits for Len to leave, Len looked at the doctor and said "Are you sure sir, she is a handful?" The doctor looked Len in the eyes and said "GO" in a very, I have the power do what I say type of voice. After Len left the doctor walk over to the bed I was on and sat down next to me, Oliver, his name tag says Oliver Crow. How fitting a Crow in a mental institution, wait is that the right terminology?

Nut house, no
Help center, definitely not
Crazy den, no
Rehab, nope
Psych ward? Maybe, I have no clue but I like Psych ward. Though I probably shouldn't seeing as I'm in the crazy house.

"How long have I been here?" I ask, trying to break the silence. He's just sitting across me staring and it's creeping me out. He looks at me and puts his hand to his chin, looking like the fucking thinking man.

"Well you've been in and out for almost a week, but you probably don't remember any of it. Do you?"

My mouth drops open, I've been here for a week. He said I've been in and out what the hell have they given me?

"What did you give me?" He laughs and says "Well we had to sedate you to get you here you were, well let say you were being uncooperative.." He laugh again then continues "Then your mom said you've hurt yourself before so we gave you a mood stabilizer, so you don't do anything to harm yourself or others." "How long will I be here?" I ask just watching him, he turns his head to the side and says "As long as is necessary." Then he's gone, I rub my face then freeze. At least that dick untied me before he left, wait how did I not realize he untied me?

End of the week

They finally let me out of that dam padded cell but now I have a crazy ass roommate with schizophrenia and they keep giving me all these drugs that I don't need or want, not to mention I have to talk to a shrink ever God forsaken day. The other day the shrink said he thinks I could have depression and abandonment issues but then he said something about me being bipolar. Which makes no sense, I'm starting to question his credintials. But that doesn't mean a lot these people fucking kidnapped me so who knows if there real doctors or some black market want-a-bees.  There is a few major problems with being here but the biggest one is that I can't feel anything, and I mean anything. I feel like a robot and apparently that's what happens on mood stabilizers, I don't like it I need to get out of here. 

William's pov

Me: Hey Dad did you find anything out?

Dad: Yes..

Okay I'm I'll another cliffhanger. What can I say it's fun...

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