The Crazy House

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William's pov

"Chris!" I yell, I just got off the phone with my dad and I need to tell him now. "Chris!" What the hell is he still sleeping, it like 10 in the morning. I open his door and see him just sitting on the floor at the end of his bed with a hoodie in his hands. "Hey Chris what are you doing?" I ask slowly walking then sitting next to him. "I was looking for a shirt, then this- motioning to the hoodie- fell out of my closest. It's Eva's." He look so broken when he said her name, I've never seen him like this. "Hey, my dad called back." He looks at me with wide eyes and says "what did he find?" I smile and say, "Eva is in Shady Okes Rehabilitation center, my dad also hired a PI and he said that the staff of shady okes has been payed off. Obviously by her mom, and my dad hire a lawyer and today we are going to the police station with all of the evidence, hopefully they will help us get her out." He smiles and stands up, then extends his hand to help me get up. "Did you tell Noora the news?" I facepalm myself and say "shit I forgot all about that." He laughs "you forgot about your girlfriend?? Wow, don't tell her that." Pulling out my phone I head downstairs.

On the phone with Noora

Me: hey babe, we have good news.
She screams then says,

Noora:oh my God what is it?

Me: long story short we are going to the police station with a lawyer to try to them to help us get Eva back.

Noora: when? You need to pick me up .

Me: okay we are in our way.

Before she can say anything I hang up and head to the front door. "Chris come on." I say as I open the door, he magically appears outside leaning against the wall "what took you so long?" He asks me, seriously, I didn't even see him come downstairs. "Whatever just get in the car. Oh yea we're picking Noora up on the way."
"Okay whatever just go."

Eva's pov

Every day is the same, here is how it goes.
Wake up
TV/ which is like all animated kids shows, though I don't mind when boomerang is on.
'free time'/ like anyone is here out of their own free will.
Other shit
More meds
And last but not least you have a forced bedtime.

I fucking hate having a set schedule for my life but what the fuck else can I do. All dam day I just walk around the halls or sit and watch TV. The most interesting thing to happen so far is that my roommate, who has schizophrenia, did not like her food and said that the aliens are trying to poison her. If I felt anything right then I would have laughed my ass off. She's always going on about the voices and the people, even when there are no people. It's weird but gives me something to pay attention to other then the nothingness that currently occupies my brain. It's funny I've never felt so free from worry and anxiety other then when I drink. But that's probably because I can't fucking feel anything!

"Eva it's your turn to see Dr. Crow."

Oh great, you know I picture him as a Crow from Game of Thrones. And John Snow chops his head off, Everytime I imagine it I smile.

"What are you smiling about today Eva?" Crow asks.

"Your head being chopped off." I say with a straight face and sit down. His mouth drops open, I don't think he expected my answer. And I get the feeling that I would normally laugh but I can't. The fucking meds they are giving me make it to were I don't have a filter and I can't lie, which is no fun. The other day one of the nurses woke me up and I said that I was having a really amazing dream, they of course asked what it was about and I said like it was just a normal answer that I was dreaming about having sex with my boyfriend. She was so shocked, her mouth fell open and it looked like her eyes were going to pop out of her head. After that they stopped asking me questions about what I was dreaming or thinking about.

"Eva... Eva!"
I get snapped back to reality by Crow saying my name, I look at him and say


"You've been out of it while I was asking you questions."

"What questions where you asking?" Like bitch you work in a freaking mental institution and you expect your patients to pay attention to you, really...

"I asked how you were feeling to day?"

"The same as the other days, I don't."
The bitch smiles and writes something down. If Chris was here I'd have him hit him.

"Any more dreams lately?"

"The usual."

"Eva you know I need you to say what they where about."

Omg, I think he just does this to hear about my sex life.

"Me and my boyfriend on dates, having sex, the usual." "Why do you need to know?"

"To make sure you aren't dreaming about things that don't exist." He says plainly and continues to write on his notepad.

After talking to him for an hour he finally let's me leave, just in time for art class. Yay, that was sarcasm btw.

Chris's pov

We are finally at the police station and the lawyer just showed up. I can't stay still I'm just so excited to finally get news though Will keeps trying to ruin it by saying "don't get to exited we don't know if they will help us or not. We could learn something or we could just leave here with the same Information. So calm down." Like what kind of best friend is he, even Noora hit him in the arm after he said it.

After waiting for about 10 minutes we get up and go into a conference room and take our seats. "Hello how can I help you all today?" A guy who just walked in asks as he closes the door. When he turns around I see it was one of the guys that where at my house that day more specifically the one that held me back from helping Eva. I think he realized who we where because he sat next to our lawyer, who is on the opposite side of the table. "We have information about a case that we would like you guys to take a look at." Our lawyer is talking, Will said it would be best if only he spoke. "Okay let's hear it." The cop said, "well a young lady by the name of Eva Mohan was wrongfully taken it to custody because her mom wanted to punisher her." The cops eyes widen a little and he sits up, "do you have any evidence to support this?" "Yes." The lawyer hands over some files which contain texts between me and Eva and between Eva and her mom. The cop reads over it all and then says "okay this seems pretty solid I'll see what we can do." He gets up and starts walking towards the door when I ask, "what happens now?" He stops and says "well first we bring the mom in for questioning then we either stay out of it or we get involved, it all depends on what she says." "And one more thing, Eva never hurt herself." I say trying to clear that up, he looks at me and asks me how I know that and I gladly tell him. "Her mom did it all thats why she was at my place, her mom put her it the hospital." The cop nods and walks away, God I hope that helps.

"Do you want to get something to eat?" Will says and I nod "where?" Noora asks, "I don't really care, what about you Chris." What about Friendlies?" I say, they both nod.

"Today went well, don't you think?" Noora says/asks.
"Yea I think that the police are very curious about it all and what Chris said at the end helped a lot." Will says looking at me, I just nod and smile. God let that be true I want my girl back, I need her back.

Will dropped me off and left with Noora, I think they needed alone time.. if you know what I mean. I walk through my front door and see Olivia and some of her friends with alcohol everywhere. They all look drunk and smile at me, I smile back and head upstairs. But as I get to the stairs I am stopped by someone grabbing my arm. "D-did you f-find your stupid g-girlfriend y-yet?" Olivia asks holding on to my arm, is she serious right now? I push her hand away and say "Olivia I'm going to forget you said that because your drunk, but don't think for a second that I won't hurt you if you say anything bad about Eva ever again, you got it?" I finish and she nods, then I walk up to my room.

After taking a shower I put on the hoodie that Eva loves and a pair of joggers then go to sleep.

No cliffhanger today aren't you guys happy??!

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