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I fixed it!!!! So proud. Okay back to the story.

                         Eva's POV

Getting out of his car and heading inside, I see my mom passed out on the couch in the living room. Quietly, I take off my shoes and walk to my room, she stur's but doesn't wake. Laying in my bed with my door locked, I text Noora.

Eva: Hey ik it's late but I wanted to let you know I went on a date with Chris and now I'm home. Anyway see you at school.

After hitting send I head to the bathroom and take off my make-up and wash my face. Changing into pj's and getting in my bed setting my alarm, then going to bed.

                 The next morning.

Waking up to my alarm I get out of bed and start my morning routine. After I finish, I look at my phone and see I got a text from Chris.

Chris:  Good morning beautiful.

Me: Good morning.

Chris: Will I see you at school? Maybe we can get some food after?

Me: I would never say no to food babe. And yes, I'm getting ready for school now, see you there.

With a smile, I put my phone in my back pocket, unlocking my door peeking my head out to see where my mom is. Not seeing her, I open my door all the way and quietly head to the front door. As I slip on my shoes my mom comes around the corner from her bedroom. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" She says holding some kind of bottle. I watch her, trying to read her attitude, after a second of us exchanging looks I answer with a 'Duh' tone. Which now that I think about it was probably a bad idea. "Where do you think, school." Her eyes widen like she can't believe how I talked to her, turning around then opening the door, she throws the bottle at me and it shatters right over my shoulder, glass going everywhere. Running out, not listening to her as she screams at me heading for school. I took the long way to school so I could calm down and no one would ask questions. When I finally get to school the lunch bell goes off, I take a deep breath opening the door to the cafeteria and with my head down walk towards my friends.

Sitting down saying nothing, Noora who is next to me turns and gives me a 'Are you okay' look I nod my head and pull out my phone. After playing games for a few minutes I put my phone down, when Noora says something. Looking at her and asking her to say it again, which she does, but only after she gives me a 'I know something's wrong' look. "I asked if that's blood that's coming from your shoulder?" Widening my eyes, I look down at my shoulder and move my jacket seeing a very large peace of glass in my chest/shoulder. Everyone at the table is staring and before I know what's happening Noora is pulling me by arm, the one that doesn't have a peace of glass logged in it. Getting to nurses office they see my chest and call the hospital. "OMG! What happened? We have to get her to the hospital. They're on there way. We have to lay her down." The two nurses, who were there say, then motion for me to lay on a couch that was in the room with us. As I lay down I close my eyes and go into the darkness.

Waking up in the hospital a few hours later.

Opening my eyes then closing them' "It is way to bright in here." Opening them again this time slower so my eyes can ajust to the light. Once they do I lift my head looking around seeing Chris siting in a chair next to my bed with his head on the bed next to where his hand is holding mine.

                         This morning
                        Chris's pov

Waking up a bit late I text Eva

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