home sweet home

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Eva's pov

Opening my eyes, I immediately smile and roll over to see Chris. His arms are around my waist and his hair is that perfect just fucked... Well not just, well actually.... Slowly I move on top of him so I'm straddiling him and start kissing his neck then chest, "mhmm" he groans and moves alittle but doesn't wake so I keep going. After a moment I move back up to his neck and start to suck and nip, "ahh" and sleeping beauty is awake. He smiles and starts moving his hands up and down my body, cupping my chest and slowly squeezing, "ahh" I moan and start to grind on him. Since we are both still naked from last night it is way easier. I lift myself up and position him under me then sink down, both of us moaning. Chris's hands are now on my hips and he's holding me still, "fuck babe, I need to move" I moan, throwing my head back. Its a weird mix, like I have to move but it feels so good just having him inside me. He sits up which makes me moan and he starts kissing me, "my turn." He whispers into my ear then flips my over and starts trusting into me.

After two more rounds we fell back asleep, when I woke up it was 12 and Chris was still sleeping beside me. I got up and decided to make him lunch, walking into the kitchen I open the fridge to only see eggs, bacan, and Oj. Well that doesn't leave me much to work with but whatever.

After about 10 minutes I have finished and am now walking into Chris's, or our? Room. He is still in the exact spot I left him and he looks sexy as hell. Setting the food down on the bed side table I slowly make my way towards him on the bed, moving on top of him, like I did earlier, I start to kiss him on the lips. As soon as my lips touch his, his eyes open and he starts kissing me back, after a minute I pull away before that starts to progress. He groans and trys pulling me back, "babe I made you breakfast, I don't want it to get cold." He sighs and nods.

"So how was it?" Chris asks before taking another bit of his food, "it was okay until they locked me in my room, like who does that? My mom that's who. And I am most definitely not living with them." He smiles and looks at me, "will you move in with me? Official I mean." This time I smile, "oh my God, of course!"

After another round we move down stairs and just relax, watch movies and talk. "I can't believe my mom is in jail, wow." I say after Chris told me what happened, "yea, it's good though right?" "Yea of course."

"Hey I forgot to ask have you packed yet for vacation?" My eyes go wide and I start to panic, "oh my God! We leave today and I haven't even packed. This is your fault, distracting me with all that." I say motioning to him, he laughs and drags me upstairs  helping me pack.

I can't believe how everything is going so great, William proposed to Noora and she said yes, me and Chris are amazing and moving in together, and my moms in jail. So all is well, for now. Now all I have to deal with is my dad but he abandoned me once against my will maybe he'll do it because I want him to this time.


Okay guys this is probably the last chapter, I might post a vacation one if I'm not to busy with college and life so... Thanks for the support and I love and appreciate you all.....

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