Can We See Her???

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Eva's mom's pov


"Hi Miss Mohan. We are sorry to call but there where a few mishaps and we need you to come down to the station for some clarification, If you don't mind of course."

"Oh of course I would be happy to help. What time do you need me down?"

"Umm, when is it best for you?"

"Well I can be there in about 30 minutes if that's good for you?"

"Yes that actually works perfectly, see you then."

"Okay byy."

Uhh why the hell do I have to go down there, well I guess I don't really mind as long as Eva stays locked up. Maybe I should stop drinking, I mean especially if I'm going to the police station. I did lie though I could get there in like 5 minutes but I didn't feel like it so I'll take my marry ass time.

The house is so comfortable without that whore I call a child in it, to bad I'll be going back to work at the end of this week. With Eva... preoccupied. I'll have to find someone to watch over the house. Maybe I should rent it out, who am I kidding I don't want some random person doing God knows what in my house, no thank you.

After I arrive at the station I walk to the red-headed reseptionist and tell her I'm here to speak to, what was his name? Oh it was Matt, Matt Hicks. She escorts me to a room in the back of the station and has me sit down "Det. Hicks will be right with you ma'am." She says then closes the door and leaves. I'm in one of those rooms with only a table, 2 chairs, and a mirror or window. I don't really know, the only thing I know is that I should have followed my gut and brought my flask.

"Hello again Miss Mohan, glad you could make it."

I smile and sit up shaking his outstretched hand.
"Oh please call me Lacey." (A/n I don't know what her mom's name really is so I went with this.)

He smiled but it looked fake then sat down across from me in the only other chair there is.

"So I just need you to clear some things up about your daughter."

I smile, trying to act like I care and that I'm trying to help her. Blah I hate it, it leaves a horrid taste​ in my mouth. "Of course anything to help."

He smiles and says "There have been some claims that you put your daughter in the hospital, what do you say about it?"

Wow, it must have been her stupid 'boyfriend' and those good for nothing friends of hers. I try and fake a look that screams that I'm inicencet and I think I succeed. "Oh my goodness I would never hurt my baby girl. Who made these preposterous claims?"

He watches me and says "It was anonymous ma'am."

My ass. When I leave here I should go over to that house and 'talk' to those 'friends'. "Well is that all?" I ask getting annoyed and suddenly I'm craving alcohol, who am I kidding I always crave it.

He looks at his watch and says "Yes, I have a meeting I have to get to. Do you remember the way out?"

I nod and stand up, thanking him for the heads up and leaving. Once home I pull out my good stuff and poor a big glass, or several.

Matt's pov

I walk out and watch as she leaves. That woman is so guilty I just don't know how to prove it. I walk in to the room that is connected to the one I was just in, it connects by the mirror, and look at my fellow officers who are on the case as well. "What do you guys think? I say that was all an act and a bad one at that." They all nod and say we should go talk to the captain.

Me and 4 other officers are talking to the captain and explaining the whole case. He thinks it sounds weird as well and he basically told us to free the poor girl from her mom. "Hey guys we have to call the boyfriend and friends before we leave." "Okay you do that." They say and continue to walk away.

"Hello is this William and or Chris?"

"Yes your on speaker, did you find out anything?"

"Yes we are headed to Shady Okes right now to retrieve Miss Mohan, I figured you would want to know."

"Oh my God are you serious? Thank God and you guys if course."

I laugh at his comment and say that we will contact them when we have her, then hung up.

"Let's go guys." I say as I close the door and we're off.

Williams pov

I'm back at Chris' and we are playing video games. He seems way better today I'm still worried about him but not as much as I was before yesterday. After we went to the cops he seemed to calm down a little and that's the only reason I left with Noora last night. I though that he would be fine and I really need to be 'with' Noora.

"Dude come on your not even paying attention." Chris yells a my avatar dies. "Chris you just shot me?" "I said you weren't paying attention." As I'm about to hit him my phone rings and we both freeze. "Pick it up!" He yells and I do, "hello?" Shit, "It's the police station." I whisper to Chris, his eyes widen and he says "Put it on speaker." And I do. "Hello is this William and or Chris?" "Yes, your on speaker, did you find out anything?" "Yes we are headed to Shady Okes right now to retrieve Miss Mohan, I figured you would want to know." "Oh my God are you serious? Thank God and you guys of course." Chris says and the cop on the other end laughs. "I have to go but I will contact you when we have Miss Mohan." And he hangs up.

Me and Chris just stare at each other, I can't believe it actually worked oh my God. Chris gets up and starts grabbing his wallet keys and jacket, "Where are you going?" I ask, "To get Eva back." He answers with a smile. "Dude we can't go with them, we have to just wait here." He looks at me like I just said the craziest thing in the whole dam world and says, "I'm going to get my girl, you can stay here but I'm leaving." This can't end well, "Fine I'm coming and you know we have to pick Noora up on the way right." He nods and we leave.

Okay kinda a cliffhanger but not really.  How am I doing so far?

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