Chapter 1

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Alex POV:

"Alex sweetheart I need you to wake up, your father and I have some thing to tell you." My mother says lightly shaking my shoulders trying to wake me up. I can detect the pure sadness in her voice making me scared to get up. Scared of what my parents need to tell me. "I'm up just give me a minute" I say looking up to see my mothers tear stained cheeks and swollen eyes indicating that she has been crying for a long time. She nods and walks out of my room closing the door behind her. I sit up in my bed and look to the clock on my wall which reads 9:55. It's pretty late for a school day but i'm not complaining. A day away from the bullying and teasing of my peers is a vacation in my book but i know what ever my parents have to tell me is bad. I decide to finally to got find out what they have to say instead of driving myself crazy. I hop off my bed and slowly make my way downstairs.

As I reach the bottom of the stairs I see my parents sitting at the table holding each other and crying. I don't think I've ever seen my dad cry before. This must be bad. I sit down across from them and take notice of the half used tissue box and used tissues scattered all over the table. My mom pulls away with tears rolling down her face which makes me even more nervous than before. "Alex I don't know how to say this so i'll just say it " She pauses adding to the suspense of the situation. "Alex T-Tom died last night." She breaks down into tears again but continues. "The police say it was suicide. They found his body under the bridge down the street." She barely made it through the last few words before crying even more which I thought was impossible.

For some reason I can't process the information i just received. Tom my only sibling, my only friend, my best friend is gone. How could he do this without even talking to me first, I could have helped him if he had given me the chance. I feel a tear slip down my cheek. I wipe it away but it's no use because they just keep coming. My mom gets up and walks over to me and gives me a tight hug. I hug her back but pull away shortly after so I can get up. "I think i'll go back to bed" I say as I reach the stairs. I race up the stairs and down the hall to Tom's room slamming the door behind me. I collapse onto his bed grabbing his pillow and holding it tight. The smell of him still lingers here bringing back all of the memories we've shared. 

How could he do this to us?  I knew he was depressed but I never thought that he would take it to the next step. Why didn't he tell me or call me? I thought he was my best friend. We used to tell each other everything. Had I known what he was going to do I would have done anything and everything to help him. I love Him. But it's to late. He's gone.  

Then reality hits me. The fact that i'll never get to see him again or hear his voice or tell him just how much he means to me. I cry even harder but I feel my eyelids becoming heavy. I don't fight sleep, in fact I welcome it. I eventually fall asleep holding onto Tom's pillow for dear life hoping that i'll wake up and have this all me a terrible nightmare. But I know the odds of that happening are very slim.

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