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Alex POV: 10 Years later

The screaming. The people. The noise. The music. Everything that I've gotten used to over the years. I look to my left and see Zack rocking the bass and I look behind me to see Rian banging on his drum kit like there is no tomorrow. Then I look to my right to see the man I love. Jack. I see him jump around and mess with his guitar trying to get the crowd excited. During senior year Rian, Zack, Jack, and I started a band to mess around and waste time until school ended. But after senior year we got signed to a record label and we've been traveling the world playing shows every night to thousands of screaming fans ever since. 

"How is everyone doing tonight?" Jack yells into the microphone making the crowd go wild. Jack looks to me and gives me a smirk which makes me blush. "Okay everyone tonight has been amazing and one of the best shows we've played all tour but it has sadly come to an end" I say hearing the sad groans of the crowd. "But we not yet we still have one song left to play you guys." The crowd starts cheering again making me smile. The fact that we could influence and help thousands of people every day feels amazing. I'll never get sick of playing shows every night. This is my family. The people in the crowd, the people around the world who support us, Zack, Rian, and Jack. Without these guys I wouldn't be here to day living my dreams and to think if I had died that day 10 years ago I would have never had this chance. I would never have gotten a chance to live my dreams and I never would have gotten engaged to my soulmate and best friend Jack. I never would have had the chance to change lives around the world and help people who were like me. Helping people who feel alone and hurt and hopeless like I did. Saving lives. 

"This last song goes out to every single person who has ever felt alone or hurt or scared. Anyone who has ever been told they can't do anything right. Anyone who has ever felt like it's over and the end. Each and every one of you are fucking beautiful so don't ever give up because Life can and will get better just trust me. This next song is called therapy." I decide to end the show with my favorite song of ours Therapy instead of Dear Maria because I want to celebrate my life tonight. I want to celebrate the fact that I'm still alive today. I look to the guys and they understand. I start strumming the chords to Therapy and Rian, Zack, and Jack follow. As I start singing the crowd sings along too making me happier than I'v ever been.

After the show the four of us head back to the dressing room and as soon as the door closes Jack kisses me holding me as close to him as possible. Rian and Zack just ignore us as we get caught up in the moment. "That was a beautiful speech out there. Where did it come from? And why did you end with a different song?" he asks sitting down on the couch and I sit down on his lap hugging him. "I was just thinking about how far we've come and how amazing it feels to have helped so many people. I was also thinking about how If I had died that day that I would never have gotten this chance. This chance to live my dreams and get engaged to the one and only person I truly love.  I Love You" I finish and Jack kisses me. "I love you too" He says and kisses me again. I don't know what the future holds but I hope It's good and I hope Jack is a part of it because I love him to the moon and back and I know that he loves me too. He's my oxygen.


Okay I decided to write one last part to tie the story together and I promise this is it. One last time thank you for reading this story because I've put so much work into this. Follow and Vote for more stories! Goodbye until next time :)

You're My Oxygen (Jalex)Where stories live. Discover now