Chapter 12

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Jack POV:

Finally fifth period is over meaning I get to see Alex again and eat food two of my favorite things. I walk out of the classroom and head over to Alex's locker where we meet everyday before walking to the cafeteria together. When I get to his locker I find it weird that he's not here. His class is closer to his locker so he should be here by now. I decide to wait 5 minutes before I start to worry and pull out my phone to text Alex. After I text him like four times I decide to look for him but if I know Alex he would have already left the school so I decide to head to his house. I walk out the back entrance so a teacher doesn't see me and I make my way to Alex's house. 

When I walk in a strong iron smell overcomes me to the point where it's almost overwhelming. I figure Alex would be in his room if he's here so I head up the stairs trying to ignore the smell. As I walk toward his room the smell gets worse. When I walk in is see the empty room I know to be Alex's. The room is cold as I walk around and I notice a note on his desk that has my name on it. I grab it and put it in my pocket wanting to find Alex before I do anything else. I go to look in his bathroom trying desperately to find him. When I walk in I stop dead in my tracks seeing Alex lying on the floor a pool of his own blood. I race over to his side and pull him into my arms not caring if I get covered in his blood. "Alex please please don't do this. Why Alex. Come on wake up" I shake him lightly trying my best to wake him up but not succeeding. I gently lye him back down while I grab my phone out of my pocket and dial 911. "Hello how can I help you?" The woman asks with a warm calm voice. "Um my boyfriend cut his wrist. He's been depressed lately and I guess he gave up." I reply trying my hardest to keep calm holding back my tears. "What is your location?" I think for a moment before I reply. "4215 Maple Avenue" I say back. "Okay I'm sending and ambulance to you but I need you to get something like a towel and put them over his wrists and apply pressure to the wound to help stop the bleeding." I instantly do as instructed. She tells me a few more things to do before the ambulance shows up and then I hang up the phone putting all of my attention back on Alex. I hold his wrist tightly with two towels I found but the blood keeps coming. I suddenly feel nauseous from all of the blood. He has to be okay he just has to. How could he do this he should have talked to me first. 

The ambulance arrives about 5 minutes later and two guys take Alex away from me and tell me that he is still alive but barely. I'll take barely alive over not alive any day. They take him in the ambulance to the hospital down the street and tell me that I can't ride ride with him but I can meet them at the hospital. I nod not wanting them to take any more time away from Alex. They need to save him I don't know who I am without him. I take out my phone again this time to call Rian to see if he can pick me up and take me to the hospital to meet Alex. While the phone rings I look down and notice just how much blood got on me. My hands and t shirt are stained red which makes my heart sink. "Hello. Jack?" Thank god he answered. "Hey Rian I need a favor" I say hoping to god he's free to give me a ride. "Yeah dude anything. Is everything okay?" I don't really know how to tell him Alex attempted suicide. How am I going to tell his parents? I start crying into the phone. "No Rian nothing is okay! Alex just attempted suicide and I found him lying in a pool of blood. Now I need a ride to the hospital because they wouldn't let me ride in the ambulance with him. So can you please give me a ride." I stop to catch my breath. Venting about the situation feels so good. "Of course man I'll be there in five." I thank him and tell him i'm at Alex's house before hanging up. I wait and like he said he's here in five minutes. I walk up to his car and get in not wanting to waste any time. Rian looks at me and sees the blood all over my body. "Dude what-" I cut him off. "Just drive i'll explain when we get there." He nods his head and then we're off racing to the hospital.

When we get to the hospital we both jump out of the car and run inside to the front desk. The woman's on the phone talking to someone so we desperately wait for her to give us her attention. She eventually hangs up the phone and turns to Rian and I. "How can I help you boys?" She asks with a slightly British accent. "My boyfriend Alex Gaskarth was brought in. He attempted suicide." The last part came out as a whisper. The whole situation is so surreal. "Okay let me see." She rolls over to the computer and stares at the screen clicking and typing. "Okay all we know is that he is stable and being seen by some doctors and nurses. You can wait in the waiting room until the doctor calls for you." I nod and follow Rian to the waiting room. We sit down in two chairs near the back of the room. I place my head in my hands and Rian rubs my shoulder for comfort. I eventually decide it's time to call Alex's parents to let them know about the situation. There was a whole lot of crying and angry words. His mom hangs up telling me they'll be here as soon as possible. 

"Alex Gaskarth" A doctor calls from the door at the front of the room. Me and Rian get up and walk over to the doctor and he takes us to Alex's room. We stop outside of his room while the doctor tells us how he's doing. "Well he's stable at the moment but he's lost a lot of blood. It may take awhile for him to wake up but we believe he will be okay." I sigh a sigh of relief. I'm so glad he'll be okay. "Thank you doctor." He nods and tells us we can go in to see him. When we walk in I immediately go to Alex's side brushing his hair out of his face. He's so pale he looks dead but the beeping of the machines give me hope along with the rising and lowering of his chest. I can see the gauze wrapped around his wrists and I see the blood seeping through. I also see the fresh bruises on his face for the first time. I guess I didn't see it at his house because of the commotion. I think I know who did this to him. Chad. How could he do this to him. How could he make Alex feel like there's no hope. How could Alex do this to me? I Love Him. But all that matters now is that he's going to be okay. We are going to be okay. 

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