Chapter 10

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Jack POV:

Lately Alex has been acting weird. He's been really quiet and distant but I don't want to push him to tell me what's wrong. But I also don't want to lose him, he doesn't know but I've noticed the scars on his arms. Every time I touch his wrist he winces and I've talked to him about it but he doesn't listen to me. I understand why he does it I used to do it but ever since I met Alex I haven't felt the need to. I just wish that I could be there for Alex the way he's been here for me.

I get up from bed and look at my phone first. Then I walk over to my bathroom and hop in the shower making up for the shower I didn't take last night. When I'm done I walk over to my closet and put on my usual clothes and get everything I need for school. I walk down stairs and grab a bowl of cereal before I head out and down the street to Alex's house. Ever since me and Alex started dating we have been walking to school together talking and laughing before we get stuck in a prison of learning for six hours a day. I knock on the front door and wait for him to greet me. "Morning sunshine" I say and he smiles at me which makes me think he's feeling better. "Good morning Jacky." I smile. I love the new nickname he gave me a couple days ago after I called him Lex. He takes my hand in his and we start our walk down the street.

 I love winter. Alex's birthday is coming up and I already know what I'm getting him.  He told me about when he broke his guitar about a week ago out of rage. My mom took me to the guitar shop two days ago to buy him one and I also bought him green day and Blink-182 guitar picks . I hope he loves them but why wouldn't he. "What are you thinking about." I turn and see Alex looking up at me our bodies pressed up against each other while we walk. "Nothing. Just stuff" I say then he pulls away from me and crosses his arms across his chest stopping in his tracks. "Fine don't tell me" He says back in a playful manner. I pull him close to me again this time closer to the point where our lips are only inches apart. I lean in closing the gap and he completely relaxes into my arms. We pull away and I see the smile on his face. I love the fact that I can make him smile like that. "I was thinking of you." We intertwine our hands again and continue making our way to school both smiling like fools. 

We arrive at school about ten minutes later and make our way to the front entrance. As we walk in we let go of each others hands knowing if anyone knew we are a couple we would only get hurt and we both understand this. Zack and Rian are the only people we have told and they were really chill about it. I'm still terrified to tell my mom though. We go to my locker first and then to Alex's then when we're both done we make our way to homeroom. We take our usual seats in the back corner of the room and I pull out my notebook while Alex takes out his phone to text his parents to let them know he's coming over to my house after school. We secretly hold hands under the desk but continue doing what ever it is we are doing. When the teacher walks in the bell rings and he takes attendance making the day officially start. 

After homeroom Alex and I only have Science together but at least we're science partners. I get so sad whenever science ends because that means three more periods without seeing Alex's beautiful face. I just have to make it to lunch and then the end of the day and then Alex and I will have all night together. Just the thought of spending the rest of my day with him after school makes me excited. Whenever we're at my house we can just act like and be a normal couple instead of hiding like we do at school. Alex and I say our goodbyes at his locker after science and then I head off to math. God I hate math its so complicated. I was really good at geometry but I sucked at algebra and of coarse that's what I'm stuck with this year. Alex tried to explain it to me but it was no use. God I also hate leaving Alex alone. Every time I leave him at school I just think of all the bad things that could happen to him. His bullies could catch up to him or he could have a panic attack in class. I'm not going to lie I worry about the boy and I just need to see him at lunch alive and well but it scared me to death what could happen to him in the time we're away from each other. Just three more periods.


Chapter 11 will be coming very soon. With finals happening I've been pretty free so I'm trying to get this story done so I can start a new one. I will be posting possibly 2-3 chapters a day so stay tuned. And seriously thank you for over 100 views that's amazing! Please follow and vote and enjoy the rest of your day :)

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