Chapter 5

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Jack POV:

"Jack are you coming we don't have all day" My mom shouts from the bottom of the stairs. Today is my first appointment with my new therapist and apparently her name is Mrs. Taylor and lets just say i'm nervous. I turn off my phone after texting Rian some sort of goodbye and rush downstairs to see a very pissed of mother. "Sorry I was getting dressed and then Rian texted me and-" I'm cut off by her putting her finger up indicating for me to stop. "It's okay. So can we get going now?" I nod my head and we exit our house.

"Okay if you need anything just call me okay?" I nod. "And Rian's giving you a ride home right?" I nod again. I'm beginning to think my moms more nervous about this than I am. "Mom i'll be fine and i'll make my way home in one piece. Now go or you'll be late for work." This time she nods and waves to me as she drives away. I walk into the entrance and see a woman sitting at the front desk. Not really knowing where i'm supposed to go I decide to ask her for directions. "Excuse me I'm looking for Mrs. Taylor's office." She looks at me and nods rolling over in her office chair till she's facing me. "Mrs. Taylor's office is down the hall and the fifth door on the left" she says in a sweet soft voice. "Thank you" I say in return and she smiles at me. I turn around and walk down the long hallway and following the woman's directions very carefully even though they were fairly simple. I stop in front of door that says Mrs. Taylor's Office-Therapy all on one gold plaque. I open the door and walk in taking in the surroundings. There is an over all warm feeling to the room probably due to the brown and beige colors covering the walls and furniture. The room is pretty cramped being small with two couches, a fish tank, and a couple chairs along with a small table that has magazines and games on it. I take a seat on one of the brown leather couches next to another door which I assume is where she actually sees the patients. I sit here staring at the fish in the fish tank swim around while I wait for it to be my turn.

Then I hear the entrance of the room which I came in moments before open. A familiar looking boy walks in and looks around like I had done noticing it was only the two of us here. He takes a seat across from me on the other leather couch and just stares at the floor while messing around with his fingers. Looking as nervous as I feel. A look of sadness and pain written all over his face. We sit here in awkward silence while I try to figure out where I know him from. The it hits me. He's Alex Gaskarth, the kid whose been missing for the past week. The kid who all of the recent rumors at school are about. "Your Alex Gaskarth right?" I ask hoping to break the awkward silence and make conversation. "Yeah" he replies in a soft voice which is barely audible. "You haven't been in school for the last couple of days. People are starting to wonder where you are." He looks up at me and when his eyes meet mine I can't help but feel butterflies in my chest. He is very handsome with his sandy brown hair dark brown eyes and slim body. "I didn't think anyone would care" he says in a louder voice making sure I could hear it. "I do" I say back trying to comfort him. He looks at me and as he's about to say something else we hear yelling from the next room. "I DON'T CARE HOW MANY DRAWINGS OF SHREK OR THE LIGHT GURU YOU BRING ME. SHE IS NOT REAL!" We just look at each other and start laughing about what we just heard wondering what is going on in the next room. I look to him and realize the sadness and pain I had seen on his face before disappeared and is now replaced with a smile. "Whats your name?" He asks me once our laughter has died down. "Jack Barakat" I reply and he nods continuing to wear that smile that I have come to love. "So did you transfer schools or something?" I ask curiously wondering if the rumors are in fact true. "No I've just gone through some shit lately and school isn't my top priority at the moment." His smile fades back into a frown which makes me wonder what exactly he's been through lately that could turn that smile into a permanent frown. We go back to sitting in awkward silence while we continue to wait. 

All of a sudden the door next to us fly's open making both of us jump. The older woman who I assume is Mrs. Taylor says some stuff to the younger girl talking about her next appointment and then the young girl walks out of the office. Mrs. Taylor turns to face us walking closer so she's standing in between us. She is fairly tall which is partly due to the heels she is wearing. She has piercing blue eyes with long blonde hair reaching the small of her back. "Okay now which one of you is Jack Barakat?" She asks looking back and forth between us waiting for an answer. I raise my hand slightly letting her know Jack Barakat is me. "Very good! If you'll follow me we will get started. I'm guessing your Alex. You'll be next." She says pointing to Alex and he nods then she turns around and walks back into her office. I look to Alex and smile and he smiles back. I don't know what it is about him but he makes me feel something that I have never felt so intensely before. Butterflies.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------For those of you who don't know what The Light Guru is it's a made up character in one of my friends comics that she writes and illustrates. He's my favorite character out of all of the characters that she has created so I wanted to incorporate it into this story.  Chapter 6 coming soon! And thank you for over 30 views I honestly didn't think it would get more that 5 so thank you.

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