Chapter 2

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Jack POV:

I wake up on a familiar street not knowing how I got here or how I know this place. I stand up looking for any clue as to how I know this place or maybe see something to jog my memory. I see an empty park across the street and all of the stores on this stretch of street are empty too. It's quite dark outside and it starts to rain. I decide the only way to get answers is to explore so I start walking down the sidewalk looking for slightest clues to get me answers. As I walk down the street I hear voices coming from an ally up the street so I decide to investigate. I walk further down the street until i'm staring down the  dark ally seeing the outline of two figures. I walk closer exposing the two people. One of them had a gun and looked dangerous with scars all over his face and arms and the other man looked familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. A terrified look took over his face as he sees me approach them. 

"Jack please just turn around and go back to the car i'm almost done here. Just please Jack I don't want you getting hurt." He pleads hoping I will follow his instructions but for some reason I don't. "Dad what's going on" I ask curious as to how I know this man to be my father but don't at the same time. "Jack please" he asks again but this time I decide to follow his instructions and start to exit the ally but I don't go to the car I stand around the corner just out of sight so I can watch whats happening. "You said you would have the money by tonight" The man says holding the gun up to my fathers chest. "Charlie I know  what I said but I need more time just one more week please." The terrified look on my fathers face scares me. The man who raised me has a gun held to him and I can't do anything to stop it. "I'm sorry I have rules I have to follow." The man then holds the gun to my dads head. "Come on man I have a son. Please don't." My dad then notices me and looks me in the eyes while he says "I love you Jack don't ever forget that." 

The next thing I know I hear a ear piercing sound that echos throughout the ally and my father falls to the ground while the man runs off. I run to my father and hold his head in my hands not caring about the blood that is staining my shirt and skin. "Dad please don't leave me. Dad please." I rest my forehead to his and start crying. How could this happen? Who was that man? Why did he take my fathers life?  The next thing I know I'm being dragged away from my father by other people. I look at my dad one last time and shout "I love you dad and always will." I make sure I yell it loud enough so he can hear me where ever he is.


This this time I wake up in my bed sweating and crying while yelling my fathers name. I calm down after I realize what just happened was a dream and memory mixed into one. Next thing I know my mom rushes into my room and is by my side wrapping me into a hug. "Sweetheart it's okay it was just a nightmare. Shh It's going to be okay I promise" she says stroking my hair still holding me. Once I have calmed down my mom pulls away and sits on my bed in front of me. "Honey I know you don't want to but I think it's time you see that therapist your doctor recommended for you. This Is the 5th night in a row this has happened and I'm afraid your holding in feelings that you shouldn't hold in and I just don't want you to shut down and shut everyone out. I'm afraid you'll shut me out" She says looking down with a frown. I can't believe she would ever think that. "Mom I would never shut you out your all I have left and if going to see that therapist will make you happy then i'll do it." She looks up at me and smiles a sad smile. "Thant you Jack. Now try and get a good night sleep" She says putting more emphasis on the word good. I nod and give her a small smile. She smiles back and than exits my room leaving me to my thoughts. 

I have so many unanswered questions about that night It's driving me crazy. Who was that man? Why did he kill my father? What money did my father owe? I decided a long time ago to just let go of everything and move on but it didn't seem to be working but all I could do now is try to forget. Just try to forget everything. I lay back down and close my eyes hoping my sleep will be uninterrupted for the rest of the night. Maybe seeing a therapist won't be so bad. 


Thank you for reading this story I've enjoyed writing and I hope you have enjoyed reading it so far! I will upload as much as possible and thanks again and stay tuned for chapter 3! If there is any confusion what Jack dreamed actually happened but he keeps having nightmares about it.

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