Chapter 15

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Alex POV:

The day has come that I've been been dreading. Jack's coming to pick me up in ten minutes but I don't know if I can bring myself to leave my bedroom. I walk into my bathroom to start getting ready. The first thing I see when I walk in is the red stains on the floor. No matter how much bleach my mom used they were going to be there for awhile. I walk to the sink and mess around with my hair until it looks some what presentable and then brush my teeth. I look into the mirror once I'm done just to see a tired defeated boy. I turn to enter my room again and head to my closet to get dressed. Then I grab my phone and head downstairs to get something to eat. When I get downstairs I see my mom sitting at the table drinking her daily cup of coffee as I head over to the counter to grab my usual chocolate chip pop tart. I hate myself for putting my parents through this. They already lost Tom and they came so close to losing me. "Hey mom" I say and my mom looks up at me with a weak sad smile. "I'm sorry about everything. If it will help you feel better I'll go to the extra therapy sessions." I don't really want to go but I want to make it up to my parents. I owe it to them. 

She gets up from the table and walks over to me pulling me into a hug. "Thank you Alex and I'm sorry for pushing you." She hugs me tighter before pulling away and then we hear a car horn outside. "I think Jack's here. Go before your late for school." I smile at her before I walk out the door to Jacks car. I walk to the side of the car and open the door climbing in. I place my backpack in the backseat and then lean over to kiss Jack. ""Whats the occasion?" He asks me and I sit back down in my seat. "I didn't know I needed a reason to kiss my boyfriend" I say a little snotty and dramatic. He just rolls his eyes and pulls out of my driveway. "How are you feeling?" He asks not taking his eyes off of the road. "I'm okay just a little tired and nervous" I reply. He takes one hand off of the wheel to hold my hand and squeezes it. "Don't worry I will be by your side the whole time." He says making me feel safe. I smile at him and he smiles back. How did I get so lucky to have Jack in my life. It's like I won the lottery. He's smart, funny, kind, and very handsome in that order. 

When we get to school we walk to the entrance holding hands and making small talk. The first thing we do is go to Jacks locker and then to mine like we usually do. People just stare at me as we walk down the halls making me more nervous than I already am. I hold my bandaged wrists trying to make them less noticeable to everyone else. Jack notices so he takes my hand once again not caring who sees. "Just ignore them" He whispers into my ear. We finally get to my locker and that's when I notice Chad standing a couple lockers down talking to his friend group. Jack notices who I'm staring at and I notice his fist becoming clenched. "Jack just drop it. Look at me I'm fine. He's not worth it" I say trying to stop him from going over there. "Alex he deserves it. He drove you to attempt suicide. He almost took you away from me." I can see the pain in his eyes. "I know Jack he does deserve it but trust me he's not worth it." I say with one last attempt to stop him but he looks at the white bandages on my wrists and I see the rage reenter his eyes. He pushes past me and walks over to Chad ignoring my pleads for him to stop.

"Hey chad!" Chad turns around and as soon as he does Jack hits him making him fall to the floor. "If you ever talk to or even look at Alex again I will end you" He spits at him and turns back to me. I know what he did was wrong but seeing Chad cower in pain feels really good. "Better" I ask him. "Yep" He replies taking my hand and leading me to Homeroom. We take our usual seat at the back of the class and wait for class to start. "Are you excited for tomorrow night?" Jack asks me. I smile at the thought of us going on our first real official date. "Of course I am" I say back making us both smile. God only knows how much I love Jack. I am convinced he is my soulmate and I don't plan on ever letting him go.


I'm sad to say this story is almost over but I hope you've enjoyed it. Chapter 16 will be a good chapter and probably the last to stay tuned!

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