Chapter 16

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Jack POV:

I'd be lying if I said I'm not nervous about tonight. I sit in my car waiting for Alex to come out of his house. I might be nervous but I'm really excited too. The boy I love and I are going to have a magical night together under the stars just the two of us. I look up when I hear Alex's front door close and I see him walk to the door of my car. When he gets I I get those butterflies I get whenever I see him and take in what he's wearing. He has on his usual black skinny jeans and Blink-182 shirt but he's wearing a new black leather jacket and his hair is perfect. "Well don't you look handsome" I say and he turns to kiss me and of course I kiss him back. "So where are we going?" He asks as I pull out of his driveway. "Can't tell you" I reply mysteriously. He looks at me intently trying to get me to spill the beans. "I'll get it out of you" He says back smiling at me with a devilish smile. 

I pull into the parking lot of the park down the street and get out of the car walking to the trunk to get the picnic basket I put together earlier. I then walk to Alex's side of the car and open the car door. He steps out and looks at the basket i'm holding and smiles. "Jack you didn't" He says looking really excited. "I did. I remember the time you told me how you love picnics mostly because you and your brother used to go on them all of the time. So I figure we could have on here in the park." He kisses me passionately this time for about 2 minutes. We eventually pull away and continue our evening which is already off to an amazing start. We find a spot under a tree near the woods and lay down the blanket sitting close to each other. I open the basket and we both pick out a Pb and J sandwich with 2 strawberry Rockstars. We sit here making some small talk and eating enjoying every second of the night. 

Eventually we finish eating and lay down together me holding Alex in my arms as we stare at the stars. "Jack I just want to say thank you" Alex says still staring at the sky. "For what?" I ask not knowing what he's talking about. He sits up and props himself up on his elbow so he can look at me. "For everything. Making me laugh and smile in my darkest moments and saving my life. If you hadn't found me when you did I wouldn't be here today and I never would have gotten to tell you that I love you and we wouldn't be here today." He says laying down on my chest hugging me. It hurts me to think that I could have lost him and it hurts to think about how I might have never had the chance to tell him that I love him. "Thank you for saving me" I say and he looks at me confused. "You were and are my escape and ever since I met you I've been having less and less nightmares. I love you" I say clearing up his confusion and this time I kiss him. We kiss for a while until we start feeling rain fall from the sky. we Quickly clean up the basket and wrap up the blanket running to the car as fast as we can not letting go of each others hands. 

We get in the car just before it really starts coming down and throw everything in the backseat. We look at each other and burst out laughing just like the first day we met. Seeing just how far Alex has come makes me so happy. He went from being the broken sad boy I knew months ago to the passionate happy loving man I know now. He makes me so happy and I can tell I make him happy. We are the perfect match and we love each other. I will never let him go and I will love him till the end. I will always be there for him through thick and thin and I will be there through the dark and light. "What are you thinking about?" He asks after the laughing dies down. "You" I say telling the truth. He smiles that smile I absolutely love. His hair perfectly falls across his face and I brush it away leaning in to kiss him. "What was that for?" He asks when I pull away. I look him in the eyes and take in just how handsome he is. "I love you" I say and he smiles once again. "I love you too and always will." He meets my gaze and we kiss again neither of us pulling away and lets just say the rest of the night was an unforgettable one. 


Well that's It I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I have enjoyed writing this story. Please vote and follow me for more stories to come and thank you so much for over 100 views! Enjoy the rest of your day :)

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