Chapter 13

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Alex POV:

The first thing I see when I wake up is a bright blinding light that instantly gives me a headache. I close my eyes again to try and block the light . I sit up groaning at the pounding in my head and look around taking in my surroundings. I'm obviously in a hospital room and I see Rian, Zack, and Jack passed out in chairs around the room. I Look at all of their tired faces. How could I do this to them? Then I look at Jack who is wearing a shirt that has red stains on it. Is that my blood? How could I put Jack through this? what the hell was I thinking? Why didn't I tell someone? Why didn't I tell Jack what was going on? I shift in my bed and shots of pain shoot up my arm. I look at my tightly wrapped wrists and a wave regret and hatred toward myself wash over me. 

"Alex?" Before I know it Jack has me wrapped in one of those warm hugs that I love and miss. I huge him back not wanting to let go for anything. "Jack I'm so so so sorry. I've never done anything so stupid. I'm sorry" I cry into his shoulder. He rubs my back to comfort me. "Alex It's okay. Your fine and that's all that matters. Everything is going to be okay." I pull away and smile at him. Once again Jack has not failed to make me feel better. I wince at the pain in my arms once again and Jack looks at me with concern in his eyes. "Yeah you got yourself good. 100 stitches on each wrist." I look at him in shock. "Where are my parents?" I ask wanting to see them but at the same time not wanting to. "They were here yesterday but they left this morning to go home and shower and sleep" He explains. "And you guys" He looks at me and then to the sleeping Zack and Rian. "Oh we've been here for the last three days. I haven't even changed my shirt yet" He says holding his shirt up for me to see. I feel the guilt coming back to the surface. "Three days?" I question. "Yep you lost a lot of blood and the doctors said it would take you a while to wake up because your body needed the rest." He explains filling in some of the blanks.

I look over to the table next to Jack and see a bunch of wrapped boxes and cards. I guess Jack sees the table I'm staring at. "Those are your birthday gifts" He says ending my curiosity. I think back to what Jack said about being here for three days and that means my birthday was yesterday. "Do you want to open them?" He asks and I nod my head. He grabs a card off of the table and hands it to me. "This one is from your parents." I take the card and open it. There is 100 dollars inside and the card says stuff like I hope you get better soon and happy birthday. Jack hands me another card. "This one is from Rian and Zack." I take the card from him and open it this one has a 25 dollar gift card to amazon and "Happy Birthday Alex" written on the inside. I set both cards aside on the table next to me and take the large box from Jack. "And this one is from me." I start to unwrap the bock and sequel like a girl when I realize what it is. It's a beautiful wash burn acoustic guitar with Green Day and Blink-182 guitar picks taped to the side. "Jack I don't know what to say" I say in complete shock. He leans over to me our lips only inches away. "Then don't say anything." His lips crash into mine. God only knows how much I missed this. We eventually pull away so we can catch our breath. Jack sits back down and looks at his phone and says he telling my parents I'm up. 

How could I do this to them? I remember just how I felt when I found out Tom died. How could I put them through that? I can't imagine what it would be like to find your boyfriend half dead on the bathroom floor lying in a pool of his own blood. I start freaking out and I can feel my breath becoming heavy and irregular. "Alex calm down. Are you okay?" Jack is back at my side holding my hand and placing his other hand on my back. I instantly calm down with him by my side. "Yeah i'm fine. Sorry. Jack I realized I never got the chance to tell you this." He looks at me wanting me to continue. "Jack I never told you I love you." I say and Jack smiles wrapping me into another tight hug. "I love you to Lex." He says making me grin like a fool. Then in this moment I realize just how much I have to live for. My parents, My new best friends, Jack. I should never have listened to Chad. I never should have thought I was alone or hopeless. I never should have attempted to take my own life. In this moment I make a promise to myself that I will never hurt myself or try to kill myself again. It's the least I can do for the people who care about me. It's the least I can do for Jack.

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