Chapter 6

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Alex POV:

For some reason Jack is the only thing on my  mind lately. His gorgeous brown eyes and his beautiful dark brown hair with the blonde streak. Just the thought of him makes my heart race out of my chest and I don't know why. He's just some stranger who just so happens to go to the same school as me and just so happens to go to the same therapist as me. But he was just so easy to talk to the other day and he is the only person who has managed to make me laugh since Tom died. I also know that as soon as I go back to school I'l try to befriend him but he'll leave me like everyone else did because of the bullying. There was this guy who used to be my friend named Chad. We were inseparable since we were kids but as soon as we got to high school he dumped for his jock friends and now beats the shit out of me every day. I never knew why all I ever did to the guy was be a good friend. Jack seems different though. He acted like he wants to be my friend.

Today is my first day back at school and to be honest I don't think i'm ready. I begged my mom to let me stay home for one more day but she wasn't having it. "Alex are you up yet?" I groan turning over in my bed to see my dad standing in the doorway of my room. "Come on buddy if you don't get up now you'll be late for school." "Would that be such a bad thing?" I ask him and I can now see the frustration on his face. "You've already missed two weeks so yes it would. Now get up!"He walks away leaving me to do what I need to do to get ready. I roll out of bed and the first thing I do is look at my phone for messages, notifications, the weather, and the time. When I'm done with my phone I walk over to my closet and put on a black Blink-182 shirt with some black skinny jeans and my favorite grey beanie. Then I get my backpack together and grab my phone, headphones, and a jacket then head down stairs. I grab a chocolate pop tart for breakfast and head out the door meeting my dad in his car. "Is't freezing in here" I say rubbing my shoulders trying to warm myself up. "Sorry about that i'm taking it to the shop today to get it fixed" he explains. He put the car into drive and then we make our way to school. 

"I'll pick you up after school okay?" I nod and wave goodbye as my dad pulls out of the student drop of/pick up area. I turn to see the building and I shiver knowing what today potentially holds for me. Where ever Tom is he will help you through this I think to myself which brings me some sort of comfort. I walk into the building and head to my locker trying to avoid everyone. Then suddenly I bump into someone like the klutz I am and papers and books go everywhere making both of us fall to the ground. I keep my head down to scared of face who ever it is. "Alex are you okay?" I hear a familiar voice so I look up to see a familiar face. "Jack?" I ask. My voice laced with surprise. "Who else would it be. It's good to see you back in school." He holds his hand out and I take it. "Yeah my mom said I can't miss anymore days" I explain as we help each other pick up our things. "Well do you want to walk to homeroom together?" He asks and I can tell he's nervous but what about I don't know. "Sure but I just need to stop by my locker real quick" I reply. He nods and follows me to my locker. 

"I like your shirt by the way." I look down remembering that I'm wearing my Blink-182 shirt. "Thanks. You listen to Blink?" I ask curiously. I've never meet someone who as even heard of the bands that I listen to but I can sense that that's all about to change. "Hell yeah! I listen to Blink and Green Day and Sum 41 and many more." I just stare at him my mouth almost touching the ground. He listed almost all of my favorite bands which amazes me. Everyone has always told me that  the music I listen to is dumb and useless. Tom was the only person who understood me I mean we listened to all of the same stuff together which is one of the many reasons I listen to that kind of music. I finish taking what I need from my locker and start making my way to Home room with Jack. 

When we walk in Jack instantly takes his seat in the back corner and gestures for me to follow so I do. When we sit down Jack pulls out a notebook full of drawings and some lyrics with guitar chords and works in it until the bell rings. "Okay class lets quiet down so we can get started." Mr. Williams says standing up and walking around his desk till he is standing in front of the first row of desks starting attendance. He calls out random names until he gets to Jack and then to me. "Alex Gaskarth" he says almost skipping my name. "Here" I say and then everyone in the room turned to look at me except for Jack who already knew I was here. Then everyone starts whispering to their neighbors and I know all of the whispers are about me. I start to freak out a little and feel the panic rising in my chest as my breathing starts to become irregular. I've always had anxiety but I've never had an attack at school. I try to calm myself down knowing that if I do have a panic attack right here in front of everyone I would be the talk of the school and not in a good way. I see Jack look over at me and his face holds concern. He grabs my hand and squeezes it whispering into my ear. "Don't let them get to you" He says puling away but not letting go of my hand. I Instantly calm down and look back at him and he smiles. "Thank you" I Whisper and he nods. I don't know how I survived before him. Just the thought of him makes me feel 100 times better and when he held my hand I could feel every negative aspect of my life melt away. I don't know where our relationship is going to go but lets just say I hope it goes somewhere good. 


Thank you so much for over 50 view! I hope you've enjoyed reading this story as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Chapter 7 Will be out as soon as possible so be sure to check it out when it come out. Have a great rest of your day!

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