Chapter 3

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Jack POV:

Rian: Hey I was wondering if you need a ride to school today? I'm picking Zack up soon so I thought I should ask you. 

Jack: Yeah I could use a ride. My mom is working early today.

Rian: Cool I'll pick you up in 45mins ok?

Jack: Ok

Rian: R U ok? You seem a little off.

Jack: Yeah I'm fine I just had one of those nightmares last night.

Rian: The one about ur dad?

Jack: Yeah last night was the worst of them. It was so vivid but i'm ok just a little tired. I'll see you in 45.

Rian: Ok see u soon.

I turn off my phone and walk over to my closet to get dressed. I pick out a pair of black skinny and a Blink-182 shirt and put them on before I head downstairs to get something to eat. I take my headphones, my phone, and my backpack downstairs with me so I wont have to come back upstairs to retrieve it later. I eat a chocolate chip pop tart while I watch what ever is on T.V. until I hear Rian pull up in the drive way. I grab my bag and house keys and head out the door. As I walk up to his car I see the both of the laughing hysterically at something Zack had said. Zack doesn't speak much but when he does it's either really funny or really meaningful. I open the door and take a seat in the middle so I can be included in the conversation.

 "What's so funny?" I ask placing my bag next to me and pulling my phone out of my pocket. "Dude you had to be here" Zack replies looking at Rian making them burst out laughing again. "Hey did you finish your global project yet?" Zack asks after the laughter dies down. "Yeah it was really egregious and invalid" I say back enjoying in the surprise looks on both of their faces. "I had no idea you had such a big vocabulary" Rian says as we all erupt into laughter. While they mess around some more I check my phone to see if I have any messages or notifications. All I find is a text from my mom saying that she would call the therapist today to see when she could get me in. I sigh but I guess it was louder that I thought because Rian looks at me. "Are you sure your ok?" I hate that question mostly because I usually have to lie so I don't get questioned any further. "Wait what happened?" Zack asks very confused. "He had one of those dreams last night about his dad" Rian explains. I nod letting Zack know that the story is in fact true. He looks at me with sympathy painted all over his face. 

"Guys I'm fine really can we just drop it?" I ask hoping they will but they don't. "Jack that's the problem, you watched your dad die in front of you two months ago. You shouldn't be fine, you should be crying in a room somewhere or having a mental breakdown." Rian is right I should have broken down after it all but I didn't. I took all of the pain, memories, nightmares, and feelings and locked them away somewhere no one could find. I guess the reason I didn't go to therapy before is because I was afraid of bringing back all of those feelings and memories. I was afraid that those things would cause me to have a mental breakdown but maybe therapy could help me. "Your right but just trust me when I say i'm fine. In fact I'm going to see that therapist I told you guys about" I say hoping that will get them off of my back. "I think that's a really good thing" Rian says giving me a reassuring smile. I smile back and and then put my headphones in while Rian and Zack continue to talk on our way to school.

We arrive at school 15 minutes later and the three of us climb out of the car once we've parked. "Okay who needs a ride home?" Rian looks at us both and in unison we say "I do." "Okay how about we meet here at 2:30, OK?" Zack and I nod answering Rian's question and then the three of us make our way to the front of the school. When we walk into school we all go our separate ways heading to our lockers. When I finally make my way to my locker I open it and grab everything I need for the first half of the day and head to homeroom trying to avoid everyone. I'm not popular but i'm also not an outcast i'm somewhere right in between. After everyone found out about my dad's death people stopped bullying me and talking to me all together. The only people I really talk to are my mom, Rian, and Zack but they're all I need.

When I enter the classroom I see half of the class talking among themselves and Mr. Williams sitting at his desk reading something. I take my usual seat in the back corner and pullout my notebook to draw to pass the time. When the bell rings the remaining students file into the room and take there seats while Mr. Williams starts taking attendance. He says a bunch of random names until he calls my name and then continues once I confirmed my presence. "Has anyone see Alex Gaskarth this week?" He asks. Everyone just looks at each other and shakes their heads. I don't really know the guy but I've seen him around and I've heard some rumors. People are saying that he killed himself or that he transferred schools but can you blame him. Every time I see him hes getting bullied whether it's verbally or physically. I feel bad for him because no one deserves to get hurt like that but what can you do about it? I guess in this school you just gotta save yourself and keep your friends close because you never know who might be next.


Thank you to those of you who have made it this far I hope you're enjoying the story so far! Stay tuned for chapter 4!  

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