Chapter 14

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Jack POV:

They are finally letting Alex come home today after a whole week of being in that awful hospital. I'm planning on asking him out for our first formal date when he gets back. I meant to do it a while ago but I always chickened out last minute. I have it all planed out We'll go to the movies and then to dinner and then on a walk through the park ending with us looking at the stars. I want and need it to be perfect for Alex he really needs a pick me up and I hope to be just that. I've been right by his side the whole time trying to make him feel better but I can still tell he's not back to normal just yet but I plan on getting him there. My phone rings which pulls me from my thoughts. I reach over and pick it up to see it's Alex.

Alex: Hey Jack I know your probably sick of me by now but I was wondering if u could come over. My parents are driving me crazy :/

Jack: I could never get sick of you :) and of course I'll be over in 10.

Alex: Thanks ur a lifesaver 

Jack: I know see u soon. Love u. Bye.

Alex: Love u too! Bye.

That boy never fails to put a smile on my face. I get up from my bed and toss aside the home work I've missed knowing Alex is way more important. Alex and I are supposed to be going back tomorrow being his wish. His parents want him to miss another week but he said he was getting bored and didn't want to have to much homework. The doctors say he should be fine as long as he doesn't rip his stitches so the lucky bastard gets out of gym for the rest of the year. But he also has to attend more therapy sessions so they can make sure there isn't a repeat of events. Schools out in about a month and a half and then we have finals which sucks but at least my mom got my schedule changed around so now Alex and I have the same schedule. He was so happy when I told him and now he doesn't have to worry about leaving me during the day making him a target for bullies and most of all Chad. I swear that the next time I see the guy I'm gonna hit him so hard he ends up in the hospital. I'm gonna give him a taste of his own medicine. The guy almost made me lose the most important person to me. Alex. 

I walk over to my closet putting on my usual clothes and grab my phone and my car keys. Yes my car keys. My mom bought me a car last week saying something about how she's proud of me for saving Alex's life or something like that. It's not to small or to big it's just right and it's pretty nice for a used car. I head downstairs and say good bye to my mom telling her where i'm going and hopping in my car making my way to Alex's house.

When I pull into his driveway the house seems quiet and I get flashbacks of the day I found him in his room. I didn't tell Alex but along with my nightmares of my dad I've been having nightmares about Alex but instead of them ending with him alive most of them end with him being dead. I dream about him on the floor in a pool of his own blood and those awful gashes on his wrists. Going to the hospital with Rian but having them tell me he's dead. Instead of waking in a panic yelling my fathers name I wake up in tears whispering Alex's name. My Therapist says my dreams are me trying to cope with the situation subconsciously instead of having daily breakdowns when i'm fully conscious and she has been working more with me and helping me figure out how to stop them.

I let myself in the house after about five attempts of knocking on the door. When I walk in I hear yelling coming from upstairs. Alex told me about how him and his parents were fighting but I never thought it would be this bad. As I head upstairs Alex's mom comes running down the stairs crying not paying any attention to me. I walk upstairs a little faster to see if Alex is okay. "Alex what's going on? Why is your mom crying?" I ask concerned. He's staring out the window when I walk in and he turns around when he hears my voice. "Jack thank god your here" He says pulling me into a tight hug and I hug him back. "Can you answer my questions?" He pulls away from me and throws his hands up in frustration. "You know how they changed my therapy sessions from once to twice a week right?" I nod my head telling him I understand. "Well my parents want me to go like three or four times a week and I keep telling them that's ridiculous. Then those conversations end with my mom wanting to know why I tried to kill myself you know what sent me over the edge and every time I tell her I don't want to talk about it she runs off crying." He sits down on his bed trying to catch his breath. I walk over and sit next to him and hold his hand. 

"What did send you over the edge?" I ask. I know it had something to do with Chad but I didn't know what exactly he did. He sighs but I know he wants to get something off of his chest. "Well when we went our separate ways the first two periods went smoothly but them when I was on my way to fifth period Chad came from behind. It started like every other bullying session but it escalated quickly. He hit me and then said stuff like 'your pathetic just like your brother' and 'your brother killing himself was the best thing he's ever done' and 'no one can stand being around you even your own brother hated you.' He hit me more than he had ever hit me before. When he finally left me alone I was in a terrible mind set. I went to my house and did it. I regret everything I did." I pull him into a hug letting him cry into my shoulder. No wonder Alex did what he did. I would have done something like that too if someone told my that my brother taking his own life was my fault or that no one loves me or cares about me. I would have felt alone. I hold Alex tighter. Chad Hillston is going to pay for making Alex feel that way. For hurting Alex physically and emotionally. 

I finally pull away from him and hold his bandaged wrists thinking of the scars those cuts would leave. Physical reminders of what happened that day. I have to get the old Alex back. I need to help him get and feel better. I know it's now or never so before I chicken out I ask him. "Alex would you go on a date with me? To get away for a night." He smiles at me through the tears. "Of course I would. I love you." He kisses me and I kiss back. I pull away and look at the boy that I have come to love. The boy I randomly met in the therapist office one day. The boy with perfect features and a perfect heart. The broken boy I am determined to fix. I look at him and say "I love you too" meaning every single word I say.


Stay tuned for Chapter 15! 

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