Chapter 7

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Alex POV:

Lets just say the last few weeks of being Jacks friend has been amazing. For the first time in forever I have people to talk to out side of my family. People that I can finally trust and talk to. Jack introduced me to his best friends Zack and Rian who have both taken a liking to me and I really like them. The three of them are funny and happy and real friends. Every time we have a conversation I feel included. Jack is always so happy around them and around me which makes me happy. Which also makes me curious as to what could make Jack need to go to Therapy. He always seems so happy and he has friends to talk too so what could break him to the point of needing therapy. I decide not to push him and let him tell me when hes ready and I'll tell him my story when I'm ready. 

"Hey Alex" Jack says pulling me from my thoughts. I realize i'm standing at my locker and then I hear last bell ring from above us. "Hey Jack" I say turning to see Jacks beautiful face and smile. "I was wondering if you'd like to come and hang out at my place for a while. Rian could give us a ride." I'm so excited I almost can't hold it in. "Of course I'd love to. Let me just text my dad and tell him I got a ride." Jack nods while I pull out my phone to text my dad.

Alex: Hey dad I just wanted to let you to know I don't need a ride to day.

Dad: Why?

Alex: I'm going over to Jacks house and Rian's giving us a ride.

Dad: Ok. Just be back home by 6:30 for dinner.

Alex: I will.

Dad: Alex just know that i'm proud of you for finally putting yourself out there and making new friends.

Alex: Thanks dad. Love you. Bye.

Dad: Love you too. Bye.

I turn off my phone and look back at Jack. "All set" I say as a smile appears on his face which is contagious. He grabs my hand and leads me to the parking lot to Rian's car where Rian and Zack are waiting. "Hey Rian can Alex get a ride with us?" Jack asks nervous that Rian will say no but I don't know why he would. "Of course he can. Where is he going?" "To my house." "Okay now can we get going?" Rian asks as he gets in the car. We nod and climb into the backseat and Rian pulls out of the parking lot.

We arrive at Jacks house about 15 minutes later. When we pull up I realize that Jack only live about 5 houses down from mine. Jack and I get out of the car and say our goodbyes and thank yous to Rian and Zack and head up to the front door. He unlocks the door with his house keys and we go inside. His house is fairly large and much nicer than mine which makes me wonder who he lives with because he's never mentioned his home life before.  We set our things down near the door and head over to the kitchen to grab a snack. "Okay we have chips, pop tarts, granola bars, or popcorn." Jack hops up on the counter top holding a basket full of the foods he just listed. I think for a moment then I look at him making eye contact. "Chips" We say in unison while Jack grabs the bag from the basket and walks me over to the living room. He sits down on the couch and I follow watching him struggle to open the chip bag. 

"Here let me" I say taking the bag from him opening it on the first try. "Show off." I smile at his remark which makes him smile too even though he's trying his hardest not to. "So do you want to watch a movie?" He asks and I nod but as soon as I do that he starts freaking out. "OMG can we like totally watch Home Alone. It's like the best movie EVER!" At this point he's jumping up and down holding the Home Alone movie in hand. "I'll watch what ever you want to watch" I say not wanting to upset him by saying no. "OMG you are officially my new best friend! Rian and Zack never watch this with me and I don't know why." "Probably because you start acting like a child" I say and he gives me a death stare. "I do not" "Do to" "I do NOT." I let him win this one even though he is acting like a child but I don't mined it's really funny. He puts the movie in and joins me back on the couch. When the movie starts he goes back to his child like phase and I can't help but smile. 

Halfway through the movie Jack turns to me turning down the volume on the T.V. "Alex I have a question" he says making me nervous. He could ask about anything but i'm quite sure I know what hes going with this. "Okay ask away" I say turning to face him so that our knees are touching. "Well we have been friends for a while now I was just wondering why you go to therapy. I mean you don't have to tell me I was just-" I cut him off holding up my hand so I can start. "My brother Tom was my best friend. My only friend actually. He was the only person who listened to me and was there for me, he's the reason I listen to the kind of music I do. He was depressed for a while and a couple of weeks ago he committed suicide on that bridge across town. When he died I kind of shut down and stopped talking to people and just sat in my room so my parents thought therapy would help." Jack looks at me with a sad face which makes me sad. "Why do you go? Your always so happy." He gives me a glimpse of that smile I love. "About three months ago I saw my dad die in front of me. This guy named Charlie shot him in the head in an ally one day when we were out. Now I keep having these nightmares about reliving that night so my mom sent me to therapy to help me." Now it's my turn to look and feel sad for him. We kind of just sit here in silence for a little.

I guess we're lucky we met and found each other. We're both are at a point in our lives  where we need someone. Some one to confide in and help and feel really close to. "Alex I'm glad we're friends" Jack says breaking the silence that had consumed the room. "Me too" I reply. He reaches over and grabs my hand squeezing it which gives me butterflies. Just sitting here next to Jack watching his favorite movie and him holding my hand  is all that I need right now. I feel truly happy for the first time in a long time. 

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