Chapter 19: Coffee With Me

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As soon as I finish with my classes for the day, I shoot Justin a text.

Me: I'm still coming over, but I'm gonna stop at my dorm to change first ok? See you soon, babe.

I begin to put my phone back into my bag, but it chimes instantly.

Boyfriend: No don't go to your dorm!
Boyfriend: Don't come over!
Boyfriend: Can you just keep busy for a little while?

So, I can't go home, I can't go see my boyfriend, and I have no other friends on campus. This sucks.

Me: Um... Why, baby? ):

I smile, just knowing that'll guilt him into letting me come over.

Boyfriend: Just trust me. Only for a few hours. Meet me at your dorm at 6, ok babe?

Disappointed that my guilt trip didn't work, I frown. What is going on? What am I going to do until six? I go to put my phone away, not in the mood to text Justin back, when someone bumps into me, knocking my phone to the sidewalk. "Shit," I mutter.

"Oh my god! I am so sorry!" Selena apologizes. Great. She is exactly who I wanted to see right now. She is wearing a Nike sports bra, workout leggings, and sneakers. She must've been jogging. Not that she needs to; her body is perfect. Her stomach is flat; flatter than mine. Her thighs are toned; much toner than mine. God, why does she have to be so perfect? Before I can tell her it's fine that she nearly knocked me over, she returns to her phone call. Rude. "Yeah, I'm going to the hockey house right now," I overhear her say. "Yeah, I was in the middle of a run, and then: booty call," she says, singing the last two words. Instantly, I get the worst feeling in the pit of my stomach. Justin wouldn't... of course not. But would he?

Ugh, I do not want to be the jealous girlfriend. I need to keep myself busy. I need to keep myself from going on a rampage. Coffee. That's what I need. I am exhausted from my long night with Justin anyway, so I go to Starbucks. I order my caramel macchiato, then wait for it to be made. I'm standing beside a middle aged businesswoman and a college aged boy. He's perfect, the kind of perfect that you don't even think twice about because you'd be wasting your time. So I busy myself with my phone, waiting for my coffee. The businesswoman receives her coffee and struts off. A moment later the barista puts out an order for "Josh," probably the boy standing next to me. I'm proven correct, when he reaches for the cup. He grabs it by the lid, and it goes with him while the topless cup falls to the floor, leaving my feet soaked in decaf. I groan in frustration. This has got to be the worst day ever.

"I am so sorry!" Josh says, kneeling down to wipe up the mess at my feet with napkins. I fight the urge to chew him out, knowing that I'd end up taking my frustrations with Justin out on him. That wouldn't do any good, so I let it go. I take a deep breath, releasing stress.

"It's fine. I needed to get rid of these old shoes anyway," I say, trying to relieve him of some of the guilt plain on his face. He stands up to face me.

"I'm Josh," he greets, smiling and extending one hand. I shake it warmly.

"I know," I say, pointing to his cup, now empty in his hand. He laughs. "My name is -" I introduce, before the barista announces that the caramel macchiato for Ely is ready. I nod towards my cup, reaching for it.

"Nice to meet you, Ely," he smiles, his teeth perfect. His brown eyes are the perfect medium brown, not too light, not too dark. His hair is the same. His appearance is so cookie cutter that it's impossible to believe he's real. "Are you here with someone?" He asks.

"Uh, no. I was supposed to be at my boyfriend's house, but he told me not to come over until later, so I'm killing time," I overshare. Initially, I had only intended to answer his question, and somehow mention that I have a boyfriend, just to be safe. But well, word vomit. Josh laughs at me, probably aware of what I tried to do.

"Will your boyfriend be mad if you sit and have coffee with me?" Josh asks, smoothly.

"I guess not," I say, smiling softly. Josh and I sit and tell each other about ourselves. Apparently, Josh is majoring in physical therapy, but spends his free time as a personal trainer at the campus gym. He even offers me a free session. This makes me a bit uncomfortable. He's probably just offering to be polite, but... what if I look like I need it? I mean, I did kinda overdo it at breakfast this morning. And by the looks of Selena's body... I wouldn't be surprised if Justin did want that. But I don't let it get to me. Maybe some exercise would be good for me. He says he can meet me anytime, and gives me his number. While saving it in my phone, I glance at the time: 5:52. "Shit," I mutter. "I'm supposed to meet Justin, like now. I gotta go, but nice meeting you, Josh!" I say, gathering my stuff to leave. I'm out the door before he can even say goodbye. Running to my dorm, I can't help but marvel at how great it feels to have finally made a friend.

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