Chapter 17: Eat Breakfast With Me

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It's 7 am. I know this because I hear the alarm on my phone ringing. Dammit, it's Wednesday. Dammit, I have Econ in an hour. I roll over in Justin's bed, trying to bump into him. But he's not there. Where is he? He and I were up until 4 am together, fucking in every position imaginable. Where could he have gone in 3 hours?

I go to grab my clothes, but decide against it. I only have one pair of clothes, and right now my body smells of sex. I should shower before touching those. Instead, I grab Justin's t-shirt, pulling it over my head, before venturing downstairs to look for Justin. As I'm walking down the steps, the smell of breakfast overwhelms me. My stomach both flips and grumbles. I remember that I never ate dinner last night. I enter the kitchen, seeing a boy that could only be Justin, his sex hair distinguishable, flipping pancakes. He is humming softly. He always had the most beautiful voice, which I've always urged him to use. But he always said he wasn't cut out to be a choir boy. Behind him on the island, sits the rest of the spread. There's toast, bacon, eggs, sausage, hash browns, and my favorite - oatmeal. I walk up behind him, hugging up to him, tightly. "Good morning, beautiful," he says to me.

"Good morning, baby," I say, lovingly, my voice cracking from just waking up. He giggles. "What's all this," I ask.

"It's for my girl," he says, his eyebrows rising and falling while he smirks at me. I'm his girl. My stomach flips. He did all this for me. How long was he up for? "Now, sit your pretty ass down at the island, so I can serve you," he says. I release him from my hug, following his instructions. He slides the pancakes out of the pan, onto a plate, adding them to the rest of the spread. He then grabs another plate, adding a little bit of everything to it, ensuring the food doesn't touch. My heart soars. He knows me. All the while, he's humming something that I can't figure out what it is, but it's beautiful. He sets the plate down in front of me.

"What did I ever do to deserve this?" I ask, beaming at him. This is the best meal I've ever tasted, I could barely stop eating long enough to get the words out. He laughs at me.

"Well lets see," he says, making a thinking face. "You're dating me, giving me the most beautiful, perfect, smartest, sexiest, funniest, kindest girlfriend in the world," he says, leaning across the island, looking me in the eyes. "You set up that cute little movie date yesterday, that I ingeniously ruined," he says leaning closer. "And you gave me the best sex of my life last night," he whispers, grinning largely. I close the gap between us, kissing him, my mouth full of oatmeal. He laughs into the kiss, making me laugh into the kiss, almost losing my oatmeal.

"Hey, now, kids no fucking on the counter!" Someone mock scolds behind me. I turn to see it's Ryan, with Za not far behind him. I roll my eyes at him, finishing my meal.

"Shut up, Ryan," Justin says, annoyed.

"You two didn't shut up all night, I'm not shutting up now," he says, matter-of-factly. "Oh, Justin, your dick is so big! Fuck me in my ass!" he mocks, in a high pitched voice, his eyes fake rolling back in his head.

"Ugh, his dick really is so big though," I agree. "He had me cumming non-stop," I say, truthfully. The kitchen is dead silent, all three of the boys shocked at my shamelessness, they're jaws literally hanging open. One thing I won't be is slut shamed.

"J, man, this smells so good," Za says, changing the subject for all three of their sakes. "I didn't know you could cook."

"Help yourself, Za," Justin welcomes. "You, however, can eat cereal or nothing," he says, pointing at Ryan. Ryan rolls his eyes, grabbing the Frosted Flakes.

"You know, Justin can do more than cook," I cut in. The room is silent, everyone looking around, probably anticipating another sexually charged statement from me. I hurry to prove them wrong. "He can sing like an angel," I swoon, while Za and Ryan both egg Justin on to sing, while Justin declines, like I know him to do. He looks at me, half annoyed, half amused. I giggle.

"Ely, don't you need to get ready for class," he says to me through gritted teeth. I look at my phone. 7:30. He's right. I get up to go shower, taking the rest of my toast with me.

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