Chapter 51: Sext With Me (Part 1)

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I put my key into the lock of the door to my dorm upon returning from a long day of class. Not only am I exhausted, but I'm starving. Physically and emotionally. I didn't really have friends before the whole twitter situation, but at least I had acquaintances and people to talk to in passing. Now, people avoid me like the plague and I'm desperate for communication. I open the door to see Tyler, on his laptop, probably doing an assignment for his online classes. He didn't get accepted into any universities when we graduated, so until he can reapply, he's getting credits online. "Hey, Ty, have you seen Justin? He should be here..."

"Oh, he didn't tell you? He left a half hour ago, Eels."

Why would he leave without telling me? Where would he even go? "Oh yeah, I just forgot. He did tell me he was heading out. Things have just been so crazy lately," I lie to save face while pulling out my phone.

Me: Babe... Where are you? ):

He doesn't reply right away, so I busy myself. Otherwise, I'd go insane wondering where he is. I look in the fridge for something to snack on because I haven't eaten all day. Nothing. I check my freezer. Again, Nothing. I reopen the fridge to check again, but before I am able to look, my phone chimes.

Boyfriend: @ practice, will call later. Srry.

I frown. Needing to be distracted again, I go back to checking my fridge. Surprise, surprise: still nothing. I check the cabinets, but as I do so, Tyler's voice frightens me. "Eels, you have no food," he laughs.

"Damn, I'm sorry I left you here to starve," I apologize, laughing as well.

"Now, Eels, have you ever known me to starve?" he questions, gesturing towards the empty protein bar packages on my table. I shake my head in disbelief.

"You still eat those things?"

"But of course. I should probably get some real food in me though. Wanna go get something to eat?" He offers. Something keeps me from agreeing. I think that something is Justin. I know I would upset him. But how rude would it be of me to say no? Maybe I could make up something about having plans with Justin. Unfortunately, my stomach answers for me. At the sound of my stomach growling, Tyler says, "We're definitely getting some food in you, now. I mean, look at you. You're so much thinner now... Are you sure you're okay?" His expression is now concerned. Damn. I hate being pitied this way. I need to prove I'm fine.

"Yeah, lets go eat," I say, pulling him up from the couch. We walk around campus looking for anything to catch our attention. We settle on a pizzeria. We have very different tastes in food, but one thing we both like is pizza. I sit while he orders our pie, my half cheese, his half supreme. We joke around like old times until our pizza is ready. Tyler goes up to get it. While he's at the counter paying, my phone rings. I answer it immediately.

"Hi, Justin," I say, missing him desperately.

"Babe, I'm so sorry I forgot to tell you I had practice, please don't be mad?" He blurts.

"Honey, its fine, really."

"You're at your dorm? I'll be there as soon as I can, we can do whatever you want. Do you wanna go out?" He asks, obviously trying to evade guilt.

"I'm actually out getting something to eat with Ty right now. But really, Justin, it's fine, I'm not mad," I assure. He's quiet for a moment, making me wonder if he's still there. When I open my mouth to check, he finally speaks.

"Oh. Okay, well I'll be at your dorm when you get back. I miss you so much, okay?" He replies, dejection heavy in his voice. Now, I feel guilty.

"Miss you too, babe. Love you," I say. Before ending the call. Tyler approaches with the pizza, and it smells heavenly. I slide my first slice onto my plate. Tyler and I gush over how great it tastes. As I finish my second slice, my phone chimes.

Boyfriend: I need you.

Me: What's wrong, baby?

Boyfriend: I *need* you.

I furrow my brows in confusion. There's a photo attachment. I click to open it, but once I see it, it takes everything in me to keep my jaw from dropping. It's a photo of Justin's erection and suddenly his texts make sense. I struggle to find the words to respond with, but I come up short. Suddenly, I have an idea. I covertly snap a selfie, Ty is oblivious, rambling on about himself as usual. For the selfie, I pull my shirt down slightly and press my cleavage together seductively. I send it before inserting generic responses aloud to give the allusion that I'm paying attention to Ty's story. Almost immediately, my phone buzzes because I switched it to vibrate. I rush to check it.

Boyfriend: Fuck, you look so sexy, baby girl. Imagining you doing this for me.

The photo attachment shows Justin stroking his hard on, eyes closed. I feel a rush of tingling in my sex.

Me: If I were there, I'd be doing more than that. I'd slide your long dick into my tight pussy. I'd put your hands on my boobs as you stroke in and out of me...

Before hitting send, I decide to add a photo attachment. I slide my phone under the table and take an up skirt photo. I look to see how it came out. My pink thong is clearly visible, with a slight wetness at the center. Before I can change my mind, I hit send. I blush slightly at how scandalous this all is. I feel such a rush of adrenaline.

Boyfriend: See what you do to me, baby girl?

The photo attachment shows his fluids in his hands. I groan internally, wishing I could have the relief of an orgasm like Justin had. However, by the look on Tyler's face, that sexual groan wasn't quite internal. He looks at me now, his eyebrows raised, his lips parted. I freeze in embarrassment. Tyler reaches for my phone in my hands, and I, paralyzed in mortification, let him. His jaw fully drops in revelation. He continues to scroll up as I cover my face, blushing deeply. My stomach drops and keeps dropping.


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