please don't remember

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The next day I was paranoid. I kept thinking about how he would act next time he saw me. I regret saying anything! damnit damnit damnit. I kept thinking about the talks and fun we used to have.


We were at the field we usually hung out at. I was with my cousins hanging out in the bleachers watching this team who had a cute guy I knew. I played softball, volleyball, and ran cross country so I knew much about sports, especially baseball. I went down the bleachers to get a drink and Robbie was there talking to some of the guys. "tori!" he smiled big and gave me a hug that nearly killed me from suffocation. "sup Robbie?"    "I saw you looking at that kid. He is pretty good ya know?" I nodded in agreement. we talked for about an hour. We basically talked about our love lives. He didn't really seem jealous except the fact that when my crush, Greg, came over to say hi, Robbie interrupted and began giving him pointers and wouldn't even let me talk to him. I was mad at him that day and he knew it.


See I loved how comfortable we were with eachother. I would talk to him and he ignored everyone else.

It was another weekend back to the field and I had just came back from a softball tournament. My dads team needed an extra person and I had my gear on so might as well. I was playing at shortstop and I was killing it! nothing got by me. After the game I sat with my mom when Robbie came over to give me props on my game today. He asked to speak with me for a second and thats when my heart dropped. shit! He remembered and I an so screwed. "hey tori, great game today. I need to talk to you about something" oh great here it comes. " I remember you play volleyball and I need a favor ". "umm what did you have in mind?".  "well, there is this girl I wanna hook up with and she is a coach. Don't you have a tournament this weekend?" I nodded.  " I thought maybe I could come since you might be playing her and i could take you!". " uh sure I guess.".  "alright thanks!" He smiled and left to go talk to the boys. I told my mom and she said it was fine and that she would just meet us there later on since we play 3 times the first day anyway.

It was the day of the tournament and I was getting ready to kick some ass! To be honest his plan to impress someone at my tourny kinda made me mad ,but its not like I had a chance anyway. My phone started to buzz and I knew it would be him.

Robbie- hey tori ill come by early so we can eat and go back to my place to coach me on what's what. sound good?

me-yeah sounds good.  subway???

Robbie- sure darling. anything for my tori ;)

I blushed and heard him knock on the door and we were off to get subway.

As soon as we got to his place we ate and started chilling for a bit. "so tori what did you mean by why are you doing this to me?" shit!  I got up and went to the bathroom and when I came back he was pacing. "uh Robbie are you ok?".  he stopped and looked at me. "tori, what am I doing please tell me?" "Just forget it. its nothing really." he started getting closer and closer till his forehead was on mine. "Tori, kiss me." I tilted my head and put my hand around his neck then kissed him. It was small and quick like 5 seconds. I backed away. "woah who have you been kissing? why do you know how to kiss? ill kick his ass!" He pulled me close and kissed me again, that was full of passion and you could see it when he finally opened his eyes and so did I.  "Robbie, we gotta get to that tournament.". he groaned and we were off.  I forgot that I was basically supposed to be his wing man for that coach. well what do I do now?

hey guys I hope you like it so far! so much drama to come . I can't wait! please leave comments and ill update my other story soon. thanks for reading. comment/like/vote. love yall!(:

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