that will be the day

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Getting ready for the premier I was filled with nerves. Robbie was getting ready putting on a black tux with a black bow tie and his Nikes. I wore a red strapless dress with black heels and had my hair is waves.

I felt arms wrap around me and I tilted my head to expose my neck. he trailed kisses up and down and along my jaw. "My, my Vicky you look mighty fine darling. are you ready to go?" I nodded and turned around to give him a quick kiss. "Lets go."

He intertwined our fingers and led us out the door and to the limo. We sat inside and he grabbed the Champaign. He raised his glass and said" For a night to remember" I smiled and we tap our glasses together.

" So Vicky, there is something I would like to discuss with you"

" And what might that be?"

he looked down at the floor and looked back at me.

"So I know it's been a short time but I don't see myself with anybody else and one day I hope to marry you. I just wanted to know if you felt the same and that way I could ask Danny for the blessing and get the ring and- " I cut him off by giving him a peck on the lips.

"Robbie you're the only person I want to be with." He smiled really big.

"Good because I wouldn't let anyone else have you." The car came to a stop and we were soon walking on the red carpet hand in hand.

Lights flashing everywhere I turn and people yelling questions. Then we finally stopped and did some poses for the pictures.

"everyone this is my girlfriend Victoria. The love of my life. " he smiled and looked into my eyes. "Robert! she is so young "

"is she pregnant?"

"yeah is that why you're dating?"

"why don't you date someone famous?"

"Like a co-star"

"she is just a kid"

they all screamed questions all at once and it was too much to bare. "Listen up. I love her so back off thanks!"

His gripped tightened as we went inside the theatre. We sat down and waited for the lights to dim to start the movie. "well what do we have here?"

I looked up and I thought I was in a nightmare. "Jensen. why are you here?" he giggled and turned around to introduce his girl. "this is... oh this is Jenna. Robert should know her. She is one of the producers you know. anyways enjoy the movie"  he took his girl and went to sit a few rows away from us.

I looked at Robbie and he looked like he was about to punch him.I ran my hands up and down his arm trying to calm him and it worked by not much. he turned to me and silently said. "Why the hell is he here?"

"Babe, I have no idea. I really don't care. maybe he has moved on and he likes her. Just let it be and if something happens than we will act on it but for now let's just enjoy your great movie. ok?" he nodded and painted a soft kiss on my lips.

The movie had started and Robbie was a pretty good actor. I mean he is a great baseball player but who would've thought he could act? "baby, I'm going to the restroom" he nodded and I left.

I heard footsteps behind me and I looked over my shoulder to see Jensen following me. maybe he had to use the restroom too?

So I picked up the pace and went inside the ladies room. Then the door opened and there he was. He locked he door and slowly walked towards me.

"um do you know you're in the ladies room? Woah are you like 'Changing' damn I would've never thought. "

"You ramble when your nervous. Do I make you nervous?"


"well, you should be then. Tori, I will never stop loving you. Why can't you see that. I will give you one more chance to come home with me or-"

"Or what Jensen! What you're going to kill Robert? kill me? What! this isn't some cliche movie or story Jensen. you can't just do something irrational and think you can't get away with it. You were never like this. What's changed? "

"You changed me Damnit! I loved you and helped you pick up the pieces when he left yet you still went back. And who says I can't punish you right now huh?" my eyes widened. ok create a plan Vicky. ok got it.

"you're right baby.. I'm sorry let's go home ok? I love you" ugh saying those words I felt like I was going to throw up.

"now that's what I like to hear. come here baby." I sluggishly walked toward him and kissed him.. he actually fell for this shit. I bit his lip and kicked him in his private parts and he fell to the ground with a groan.

I quickly walked go my seat next to Robert and he put his arm around me. "was everything ok in there?"

"baby ill tell you about it later. But right now we need to leave." but it was too late. Hearing a gunshot everyone started to scream.

"listen I just want my girl. ok? is that so hard to understand?" the girl he was with stood up and started walking towards him.

he rolled his eyes.. "not you! Hell no." he pointed the gun at her ready to fire but Robert tackled her out of the wait just missing the bullet.

I have him a reassuring look and the crowd of people were running and screaming in terror. "everyone sit! or I Wil shoot and I won't miss this time."

everyone did as he said. "Jensen stop. you don't need to do this."

."yes I do. if this is what gets your attention then its what I'll do. " he raised the gun and I looked at Robert. he looked like he was going to cry. I gestured my head towards Jensen basically giving him and idea.

I have to keep him distracted so I began talking. "Jensen this isn't the way. I'm sure you don't want to go to jail when I come home. I don't want to be visiting you in jail baby". Robert slowly crept through each isle waiting to get Jensen.

"No. now you're just playing with me. How do I know you're telling the truth?"

I nodded toward Robert and he slowly walked toward Jensen but through the dark that was behind him.

I put my hands up and I walked towards Jensen at the same time. "c'mon baby. lets go home"

Then Robbie tackles him and the gun falls out of his hand and down the rows. Next thing I know Robert and Jensen are throwing punches and rolling on the floor.

In a matter of time the cops showed up and arrested Jensen. A sigh of relief went through me as Robbie came back giving me a hug. "at least we don't have to deal with him anymore."

"Robbie let me see you." he let go and looked me in the eyes. I put my hands on his hand examing his face than doing the same with his hands which were all bloody from the punching.

"you're getting a black eye babe"

I kissed his temple and slowly and carefully grabbed his hand. "lets get you home and get you cleaned up" he nodded his head.

"I love you Vicky."

"I love you too Robbie."

"I'm going to marry you one day Vicky"

"ill be waiting for it."

"oh that will be the day baby."

And with that we left the premier and went home.

well guys Jensen is finally out of the picture and this story isn't over ... Yet but just a reminder for those of you who have read my other story "forget about me...." the sequal is up and it's called "dear Robert" thanks guys! like/comment/vote! Love y'all! (:

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