love is a battlefield

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We all went home for dinner and my parents just gave me a weird look. They made small talk but I knew something was up. "so ma, dad, I've decided on going to ucla. I'll come and visit I promise."

"si, mija well that's good for you and please come home to visit a lot yeah?" I nodded my head and grabbed Roberts hand. My dad just stared at me as if I did the wrong move. "Ok what? what's up with y'all? usually y'all are happy and fun and funny but now you're quiet and giving me angry looks? what?!"

"look, tori I just don't feel comfortable with you dating Robert.".

"Daniel stop!"

"no Maria she has to know how I feel about it.He was addicted to drugs and I don't want you around that. I knew y'all would date sooner or later but with everything that has happened in his life I don't what you to be that honey.when did this even start anyway?" I gave a worried look to Robbie.

"Ok, it doesn't matter when it started but dad I want to be with Robbie and it was kinda my fault he went into depression." I looked at Robbie than looked at the floor.

"you what?" he widened his eyes in shock and frustration. " what do you mean it was KINDA your fault?!" he stared into my eyes and my mom was shaking her head.

"Well dad, uh well. I. uh.-"

"look Daniel we fell in love before this. if I explain than you won't understand."

"Oh please!" he rolled his eyes " explain to me damnit how my 18 year old daughter and my best friend manage to fall in love"

"Well, she was sixteen and it sort of just happened. When I left I was depressed because I hurt her and I heard about her and that prick Jensen." My dad got up from his chair and began to pace.

"mija are you serious right now?" My mom said shaking her head. Than my dad walked up to Robert and grabbed him by the collar on his shirt. "listen here you little shit. Yeah you are my best friend but- wait I take that back. You WERE my best friend. And you with Tori when she was 16 well that is crossing the fucking line." he let go of his collar allowing Robbie to get up and argue but my dad stopped him.

"no I don't want to hear it right now Robert. leave. the both of you." my dad began walking up the stairs and Robbie running after him while yelling.

"Daniel please! I love her why can't you see that? why cant you just be happy?" Than we heard a door slam shut and it got quiet.

"mom please. Talk to dad. Por favor ma"

"I'll see what I can do but you know you're father." I nodded and she went to to their room.

"Well let's go I guess." he nodded and we were out the door.

The car ride to his hotel was quiet for the most part until I realized that I didn't have clothes to sleep in.


"Yes darling"

"we left my house before I could get clothes to sleep in."

"you could borrow mine."


He intertwined our fingers and kissed my hand.

"everything will be fine I promise." I nodded my head and patiently waited till we got to the hotel.

He opened my door and closed it as soon as I got out. We walked in hand in hand as we waited for the room keys.

As soon as we got inside he kissed me and pushed me against the wall. His lips tasting of mint. Kissing me passionately yet hungry and wanting to give me more. "Robbie wait" he stopped and we were breathing hard. "not now ok honey? we just got out of a fight with my parents and most likely tomorrow we are all going to talk again. please honey. not tonight."

"you're right. let's just get some rest. Oh and here" he said digging through his suitcase than throwing me a shirt and sweats. As soon as I put them on he smirked. "you look so much better in my close." he bit his lip and I playfully punched him in the arm. "cmon lets get to bed." I pecked him on the lips and we were fast asleep.

When I woke up our legs were intertwined and his arm was tightly wrapped around me. I turned around so that we could be face to face when I heard him groan. I pecked him forehead and ran my fingers through his soft brown hair. he slowly opened his eyes and pecked my lips. "I could get used to waking up like this." I smiled as we both got out of bed. He stretched his arms out and let out a yawn. His body was right in front of me as I glanced at it, looking at his muscles each time.

"so, breakfast than back to parents place?" he nodded as we started to make pancakes , eggs, and bacon.

After breakfast we got ready to go to my parents house. "I have a bad feeling about this Robbie" I sighed. he kissed my forehead and wrapped his arms around me. "everything will be fine I promise."

hey guys! wonder what happens at the parents house?????? I'll update soon I promise!  like/vote/comment love yall!(:

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