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Robert p.o.v

When I finally woke up, there were wires all over me and my head was pounding. "what? What happened?"

"hey man, I came to your house and you were passed out on the floor. I felt your pulse become slow and rushed you to the e.r"

"shit. Is it just you?"

"No, its all of us."

All of us? I would hope that includes Vicky.I didn't want her to see me like this. "what happened to you man?"

"I fell in love and when i left I lost my way. I hurt her and it destroyed me and from there I became a lost cause. I started doing drugs and drinking all night and when producers found out they didn't want someone who they couldnt depend on. I'm lost Danny. I need help finding my way again." he nodded .

" That is what I'm here for buddy. oh and Vicky wants to see you."

I nodded and he opened the door to let her in. " Dad, can I talk to Robbie alone?" he nodded and left my room. "Vicky, I wanted to be someone you could depend on and be proud of when I got back. I'm sorry. "

"its ok Robbie. Look I'm here to help you. whatever you need."

"kiss me?"

"You know I can't do that Robbie. I have a boyfriend who is actually in the hall" I kept my head down and didn't say much after that.

The next day I went to rehab and withdrawels were hitting me pretty hard. Sweating and nausea and more. I'm only in here to make myself better so that I can prove to Vicky that I can be the person she can be proud of and be the person she used to love. "Mr. Downey?"


"You have a visitor, sir" I nodded and followed the nurse. " Hey there Robbie."

my heart dropped. everytime she says Robbie I get butterflies. "hey there darling"

"how's it going?"

"its getting better. Now that you're here I guess it gives me more of a reason on why I need to get better."

"that's sweet Robbie. Listen, there is something I need to talk to you about."


"Jensen and I have been talking about getting married soon. after graduation actually.  I want you to be there because I need you there." I didn't approve of this but I didn't want to start an argument.

"if that's what you want , then I can't stop you. I can't tell you and show you how much and why you should be with me but you still won't understand my love for you. Vicky, you will always have a place in my heart. " I saw tears fall and wiped them away as I left leaving her to think about us.

sorry I took so long. ill update soon (: like/vote/comment . love yall!(:

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