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Aries, she is the queen of vampires, or so she thought, she was demoted. Her sister, Gemini, had gotten married to a human, because of this rupture, humans and vampires are now living together. Now having peace, she was elected the queen of vampires, her bitter sister Aries hates this and vowed she will never let a human fall in love with a vampire.

The night and day rapture, is a school for humans and vampires. Aries vowed to take down this school, by faking her death and disguising as a student there. Hoping to take down the school and then killing her sisters husband, Fairest.

Malcolm Stones, is a werewolf, the rivalry between the vampires and the werewolves has increased when they had allowed humans on to this debate. Werewolves who are part humans hate this peace treaty, hating that the humans has taken part with the vampires. Malcolm the next heir to the throne of Marsity, has a mission. Before he can take the crown, he Must take down the vampire school, the prime source of humans and vampire interaction. Playing a human, he is disguised.

Farrah, the youngest child of all the princess witches. After being crowned the useless princess by her sisters, she pledged the only way they can acknowledge her is to take down the vampire school. Farrah scared doesn't want to do it, but with her fathers encouragement she vowed to do it also disguising as a human.

These three have one goal but different reasons, how will it go, how will there path unite?


I've never made a prologue so I made one now! :) Enjoy!

3 years later

Aries clutch the locket tight to her heart, tears ran down her face. She wish it would rain and it wouldn't look like her own tears. The tears of something that she has done wrong, many things she has done wrong. If she could go back, she couldn't they had the machine. She could never erase these sins that she has committed, the people she has murder. The things she has seen and the thing she has seen her and other people done. She couldn't blame that man any longer, she could only blame herself.

"I lost him, I've really lost him,'' she let out a whimper. She looked at the fire, she wipe her never ending tears. She looked down at her locket. "I've lost her too, I've lost all of them. They died, because of me, everything is my fault.''

She stood up, her knees shaking and she didn't know whether she could stand or even bare. She's covered with ashes, but she didn't care about that. She looked around the place, it was burned to ruins. There is nothing left, but people keeps fighting. She couldn't end this thing here, she couldn't end anything here. She has to keep moving, this is her dream isn't it? She saw the outcome, she saw the future. They warn her, he warn her, they all warn her. She didn't listen, she didn't listen!

She looked down at her dress, her battle dress. A black dress, it looked like a deeper shade of black somehow. She touch the locket again. The only pictures she has remaining of her mother and father. She screamed.

"It's all her fault! She done this to me! She done this to all of us!'' she screamed, she didn't care who heard her this time. She slam the locket down, she broke it with her boot. She stomp on it, she broke into half. She kicked it away. "It's her fault! If she never gave birth to me! If she never cheated on him!''

She continue to break it. This gave her relief somehow, she had someone to blame. She didn't want to blame herself, she couldn't risk becoming more broken then she is.

"I'll kill them!'' she roared. "I already have enough blood on my hands. I'll kill those humans, I kill her, and then when I'm done, I will kill myself!''

Her irrational words came out, she didn't know if she should believe her own words. If she could stop killing people, if she could just stop.. she thought of all the people who she tried to save, who tried to save her. At that time she didn't about them, they were all pawns in her game. She didn't think about what would her father would say, he's dead, what could he say? She only thought about herself at the time, the only one to think of.

She remember her loving sister, she was foolish. She tried to stop her and look what has that turned out. Gemini, she lost her mind to, everyone is crazy. Everyone is crazy just like Aries, that's the only way she could think of it. She's crazy for loving that human, she's crazy for trying to put an end to destruction, she's just as insane. She remember Capricorn, he's crazy as well for listening to her, for being with her. She thought of Malcolm, he's probably one of the most craziest for doing what he did.

Who's the real enemy here? She didn't know, she thought it was herself, but she's wrong. There are many people that's the enemy, she's not the problem behind all of this. She didn't know it yet, she didn't understand that her morals would be change and the future could seem like a peacefully place. The future can be change, Aries, and we can have a happy ending even with you. She didn't see it, she couldn't believe it. She didn't believe her sister's words, she didn't believe in her own words.

How can there ever be a happy ending with her around? It didn't seem possible at the time. Are they dead? Is her sister dead? She didn't know, she didn't know who are the people and who are the people alive anymore. All she knew is she's alive, and there is only one thing she can do to end all of this. They all knew how it would end.

It's not a happy bliss moment, but it's not a sad dreadful moment. It's satisfying.

Her eyes turned red once again. and she smiled a wicked smile. She started to scream and laugh. it was loud that it's bound to be located. Fire erupted from the grounds as she laughed evilly, she has lost her mind. She has lost her sanity, her friends, her everything.


Edit 11/30/14: Hello my name is Valerie, I would love for you to read my book. I first written the first few chapters in school during my ninth year in school. I wrote this during my photo/film elective, cause I have a deepest hatred toward art. I just don't like it. I might seem strange because one of the main character is an artist, well.. oh well.

I would like to inform you that this book will be getting dark. Such as murder, rape, torture, death, etc. >.< Personally, at the start of writing this book I didn't expect rape, or torture to be an element but during writing this, it had to be done. Not because I like this, because I don't. (That's sick ._.) I put this end because one of these characters, looks like a minor character but plays a big part. I never imagine writing a character like this, but in the development of writing this. I think looking into a villain's mindset is to see what creates the villain.

Thank you. This book was for my personal enjoyment, but now I want it to be for every ones enjoyment. This story is about friendship, relationships, love and for the equality of all species and races. Thank you xx.

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