Who's the prettiest of them all?

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Dear Readers,

Capricorn and Aries chapter + Farrah chapter. Capricorn and Aries story how they met and how Capricorn became a guard, it's just a side story but if you like you could skip it but you will miss how they met. Farrah chapter is okay in my opinion, I'm not a big fan of her. You might like her, she not so evil as I thought I was going make her, she innocent in my opinion, but you will find out about her as you read her part. Sorry to put them together, just wanted to talk about Aries and Capricorn... haha excuses, I'm sorry I didn't write this sooner I just didn't want write about Farrah until today... lol sorry.

enjoy :D


"Hey remember when we first met, I will never forget the day you saved my life," Capricorn told Aries, he smiled sincerely at her.

"Yeah I remember like it was yesterday," Aries reminded him.

Aries: Age: 10 : Fangs: Matured

The hot wind blown in Aries face, it was a heat wave in her kingdom and town. She was trying to sleep but that wasn't working, the weather kept her from falling asleep and her bed. She had always slept in a coffin but lately she had to sleep in a bed for punishment of getting into a fight at school. She couldn't control her temper, she was setting home schooling because of that. She didn't care, she was still anxious about killing her mom's secret affair, Andrew only about a week ago and mom have been acting like a bitch. She probably wondering where her human is, but she didn't know that her own daughter killed her affair case. Aries was sour and didn't tell anyone, she didn't want anyone to find out only wanted her mother to move on and stop cheating on dad.

She sighed and threw her blanket on the floor out of frustration, the sunlight was so perfect for her to sleep and she couldn't. Boredom had taken over her, she looked outside, the only thing she love was her window about now. Her window wasn't like the humans had theirs, her window was shape as a circle and can easily open and get out from. It was advantage of leaving when she wanted to, and right now she felt like an urge to leave.

She was still practicing floating, it wasn't like swimming where you could float by lying on your back and doing nothing. She had to focus and keep her balance with her leg and muscles and that wasn't easy. She climb her window and looked down and took a deep breath and jumped and see if she would float. She had almost fell but than she started floating half way, she smiled down on her feet and she floated downwards.

She tried not to be discovered by the guards who had amazing hearing, it was ironic how vampires had amazing hearing like werewolves yet they couldn't even trace werewolf scent. Her father told her that the werewolf had used a spell on the vampires, they could smell them but. vampire they can't smell them. She thought it was unfair, and hold a grudge on the witches for that.

She was a little terrified to go to the woods after two incidents in her life. One where she had killed Andrew in there and the other when a werewolf had almost killed her. She was ten and she was scared of them unlike today where she tries to kill one. She ran towards the woods, the guards were stupid, she was amazed that they couldn't see her yet every intruder that comes in they could catch.

She step on someone leaves that made some crackling sound and she was afraid she would attract the werewolves but she had taken a deep breath. She than heard a loud howl and growl and that wasn't her stomach. She quickly turn around to see if there was any werewolves but she didn't see any and than she had smelled some old but new dried blood. It smelled like a vampires blood, she quickly ran to see who it was.

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