Conditions Change

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It was Monday and Snow felt irritated, her soon to be husband is not responding to her and felt angry about the security changes at the school. She has been trying to call him all the day and she started to think stupid things. What if that girl is seducing him? Snow is the jealous type and can't stand that their is someone close to him right now. Snow paced around the castle, not knowing what she should do. She can't barge into the school, Malcolm would never forgive her and she would never forgive herself for ruining his plans but still.. she looked down at her hands and she wanted to scream. She has an appointment to speak with the King, she wanted to talk about the whole marriage deal. She hated waited, she's also a princess, so why does she have to wait but she couldn't argue. Her dad in the other kingdom had no control he's not king but a forever to be prince though he is married because Malcolm dad is the real king. The guards let her in and nodded and into the throne room.

It's amazing, it's dark and had werewolf prints on the walls, and shaggy coat on the floor, she never really been here before. She look up at the king, he looked down at her and bowed to him. He's a scary guy she thought though he met her many times from the past, they knew each other. She felt her throat went dry but she spoke up.

''My majesty,'' she said with much respect. ''Malcolm hasn't return after a whole month. I am very concern with the wedding. Do you really believe he can succeed?''

''Snow, I have noticed as well and I can't be certain myself,'' he admitted. ''I don't know what my son is capable of, all we could do is sit back and watch.''

''But I don't want to watch, he hasn't contact me at all, what if he falls in love with somebody else?'' she asked, this has been her biggest worried.

''Malcolm is not Marcus and who would he fall for?'' he asked. ''A human? Bah, we werewolves don't marry humans. A vampire? You do know his hatred for them or have you forgotten what happen to my wife?''

Snow tended up, they usually ignore this topic for the sake of Malcolm. She nodded her head and she felt half relieved. How stupid is she? Malcolm would never fall for a vampire after what they did to his mother. Her heart felt lighter but her stomach was still clenched together with uneasiness, she still worried for him and how long this might take.

"Maybe if we send others to accompany him, he can't accomplish this all by himself," she tried to persuade him. "He's not even old to be a pack leader yet he became one."

"Don't you agree that him being pack leader he has proven himself to be great?" he asked.

Snow remembered that day when thy told him he would be running her first pack, he looked excited and happy. Snow felt uneasy and unsure and wonder why would they ever pick Malcolm of all people. Sure he is tough but he is reckless and he's not a very good leader, he tends to be myself and work alone. But she couldn't argue, she congratulated him and try to be happy for him though she had her own doubts about all of this.

"But do you really think that was he best choice?" she asked and quickly added, "He's more of a lone wolf then a pack leader, he's need more experience or better yet training."

"Ken thinks he prove himself well,'' The king said and Snow jaw clenched and she understood finally why Malcolm became pack leader. The king looked down at her. "Is there something wrong?"

"Of course not," she lied. "So ken chose him did he? Well that's something. But the marriage."

"When he comes back, he will marry you to become king, if he prove himself," The king sighed like all of this was giving him one great headache. "Then there is Marcus and he still refusing to contact Terra though I told him that she wants to meet up with him. She had came all this way to see him and he's acting like this.

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