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It was Saturday, two days before Aries had decided she wanted to start up an army. Gemini still felt horrible about the whole thing but she tried to keep her mind preoccupied. She had learned something which almost surprise her. The guards told her really important news after the whole announcement, it was late and she felt irritated they left this important news on hold. There she saw sitting on the throne, though she usually avoid sitting on it because it looked more Aries style, but she felt her blood rising and finally understand what power felt like. She wanted to have a chair for the king but it seem like it was missing, Fairest insist that he should just stand by her side. She looked down at the guard who was bowing down at her feet.

''Yes?'' she asked.

''I bring you news my Queen,'' he said, his head still looking down, he looked no different from the other guards, they all seem so mundane and faceless but they do had a face, but Gemini never consider it. They were unattractive, they were brought by an academy to become her guards, they all wore that look on their face. Like they were a disgrace and need to be punished, they all looked the same by looks, Gemini didn't understand how but she knew better than to ask about the Academy for guards, it was harsh and strict. Aries would made it ten time difficult for them if Capricorn wasn't in it.

Gemini waited for him to speak. She's very patient and calm person. The guard rose his head and looked up at the Queen. ''With much investigation before this news reach to you, we have found something very suspicious as the school,'' he announced.

Gemini looked at him. ''Much investigation? I was only at the school yesterday? How does it takes you two days to investigate fully?'' she asked.

''Well...'' he went silent for a moment. ''I'm not sure my Queen.''

Gemini shrugged this off, she added this as another thing she would have to fix in the future. ''Continue,'' she said.

''The Prince Leo have return my highness,'' he said unexpectedly.

This threw off Gemini completely, her eyes widen and she look down at the guard not believing his words. How can it be that he is back, he's been gone for a long time! She narrowed her eyes, she wanted to hear the whole thing, she wanted to see it with her own eyes and hear her brothers voice. She was never shaken up about his leaving not like Aries, they were never close. She thought this would occur and never bother to fill it in with mother about her worries because she knew how Aries would react. What would she even say to him?

''You're not lying to me are you?'' she glared at him, maybe it was this power she finally had in her hands that was making her feel like everyone is underneath her or is this actually her, that was making her vicious and cold. ''You know what will happen if you lie to the Queen-''

Fairest cut her off. ''Are you okay Gemini?'' he asked her, he never seen her so dangerous before it actually shocked him. ''You seem.. different.''

Gemini looked at her husband like she never looked at him before, she felt her blue eyes looking at him dangerously. He's beneath her, how dare he cut her off. She felt her self shaking her head and coming back to her senses. She inhaled and exhaled and then look down at the guard again, less dangerous and back to her calm position.

''My Queen I would never lie to you,'' he said, his eyes showed Gemini the truth and she nodded her head. ''When his name was check, his name is Leo Horrid and he look exactly like before, but more mature.''

Gemini thought about this. Fairest wonder why she never said anything about having a brother before. He felt insecure that she is not telling him everything, it's like she hides everything from her, like Fairest of all people couldn't be trusted. Fairest thought about this sometimes, maybe it's because of Aries but he noticed it way before Aries was even part of the picture. To the time they known each other to the time they wed, secrets and lies. He wasn't going to angry here, he had to understand, he needed to.

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