Story One

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A/N: First upload time! *enthusiasm* Just a short one-shot where Castiel is human, and he and Dean are married. Would take place after the end of Supernatural. (Edit: this is the first thing I ever wrote so please excuse any suckiness, please and thankyou. The next chapter is better, I promise)

"Dean! I brought pie!"

Dean started awake at the word "pie." Cas was home?

"Cas?" he called to the general direction of the frond door. Cas was suddenly in the doorway to their room.

"Hello, Dean."

Dean smiled at the sight of his husband standing there holding a apple pie that looked fresh out of the oven.

"You brought pie!" Dean said excitedly.

"That's what I've been trying to tell you for the past five minutes."

"Sorry babe. Didn't get much sleep last night. Where's Orion?"

"He fell asleep on the flight home. I already put him in the crib."

"I wanna go see the little guy," Dean said, getting out of bed.

He walked to the nursery next door to the master bedroom. On the way out the door, he kissed Castiel's cheek.

Dean got to the nursery and found the black haired infant staring up at him with his perfect little green eyes. Dean smiled a bigger smile and went to go pick his son up from this crib, which was shaped like two folded angel wings.

He held the little baby in his arms and started rocking him back and forth. Orion giggled and his eyes closed. He yawned and fell back asleep, but Dean didn't put him back in the crib.

After all, he hadn't seen his son and husband in two weeks. He had really missed the way his warm little lump of a baby fit into the curve of his arms.

Still rocking Orion, Dean turned around to see Castiel standing in the doorway, still holding the pie. Dean walked to the door and put his arm around Cas's waist, steering him to the kitchen.

The kitchen was in great condition, as Dean had eaten out every night since Cas had been gone. Dean couldn't cook very, Cas was the one with the real skills.

"Trade you," Dean said gesturing to the pie and the baby in his own arms.

Cas placed the pie on the counter and Dean carefully switched Orion from his arms to Cas's. Orion sighed and his eyelids fluttered, but stayed closed.

Dean rubbed his hands together in anticipation and went to go find a knife to open the pie. He located one and cut the first slice. He put it on a plate and slid it over to the part on the counter where Cas had been, only to discover that he had left to go put Orion back in his crib. He started cutting a second slice when he felt two arms wrap around him from behind. Cas rested his head on Dean's shoulder and Dean finished cutting the slice of pie and put it on another plate for himself. Then he twisted around and embraced the shorter man.

"I missed you," Dean mumbled into Castiel's dark hair.

"I missed you, too."

They stayed this way for a short while, until Dean could no longer stand this chick flick moment.

"Ok!" he said breaking the hug, "Let's get into this pie!"

Dean turned back to the kitchen counter and picked up his plate of pie. He took a bite and immediately the rich flavor engulfed his taste buds in the fantastic flavor of apples and cinnamon. He made a low sound of pleasure; the pie was perfection.

"Cas," he swallowed the pie in his mouth, "Where did you get this pie?!"

"The bakery over there," said Cas, pointing out the big kitchen window to the little family-run bakery down the street.

"They have pie?!"

"Not so loud, love, you'll wake Orian."

"They have pie?!" Dean whisper-shouted.

As an answer, Castiel forked a bite of pie into Dean's mouth. Dean tried to return the gesture, but ended up getting pie all over Castiel's face.

"Dean!" he complained, but he was laughing.

They both went into fits of laughter, ad when they quieted down they heard a little giggle coming from the nursery. Dean went into the nursery and brought Orion into the kitchen. Cas fed him a bite of pie, and he seemed to love it as much as Dean. He clapped his little baby hands and smiled, showing off his huge dimples.

Out of nowhere, Dean pressed his lips against Castiel's. Cas was surprised, he hadn't seen it coming, but he gladly returned the kiss. Dean broke away, partly because he was still holding the baby.

"Welcome home, Castiel."

Woo! Hope you guys like it. I'll post another upload as soon as I can, but no guarantees as I'm not the best writer.

Edit: P.S. It would be cool if you could vote :)

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