Story Twenty-Eight

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A/N: So I was listening to Life After You by Daughtry and this idea just hit me like a slap in the face. (You should probably listen to it while reading this. Or maybe not. Whatever floobs your boobs.)

Dean was 10 miles from town when when the Impala broke down. He got out and opened the hood only to be assaulted by a cloud of smoke.

"Dammit!" He yelled, kicking the tire angrily.

His anger dissolved and despair took its place.

"Sorry, baby," he muttered, leaning against the side of the Imapala.

He tried to decide if he should try to fix it or just start walking. He couldn't abandon his car, but he didn't even have any tools with him. There was no way he would be able to fix it. He grabbed a bottle of water from his trunk and locked everything up, hoping that no one would, say, smash one of his windows in.

"I'll come back for you," he promised, and started to walk.

As he walked in a direction he was sure would take him into town, his mind began to wander to why he was out here in the first place. Dean was just trying to get home to Castiel, tell Cas he was wrong, kiss and make up.

He remembered the last time he had talked to his boyfriend, the night he left. His eyes closed as he remembered the horrible things he had said and done.

"You know what, Castiel, this isn't working. This is just a waste of my time!" He had shouted at the teary-eyed angel.

Dean had stormed out, grabbing his car keys and starting his motor without so much as a backward glance.

He tried to put it out of his head, but memories of that night burned like an iron in the back of his mind. Dean couldn't even remember why they were fighting. He just knew that all he wanted was to go home and be happy again, forget all the fighting.

He wanted to laugh and smile, and to actually mean it. But without Cas, none of that was possible. Without Cas, there would be no laughs, no life.

ALL THAT IM AFTER IS A LIFE FULL OF LAUGHTER, AS LONG AS I'M LAUGHING WITH YOUUUUU. Love that song. And yes, I did take a few direct lines from the song. (Sorry, Daughtry) Anywhoser, hope you liked that (or something along those lines). Don't forget to vote, and until next time, keep on keepin on!

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