Story Seven - A Flashback

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A/N: So I've just realized that I hit 100 reads! Wow it truly amazes me that I could get that many reads, and to celebrate I present to you... the first fan fiction I ever wrote! (Note: It is not Destiel, this is before I knew what Supernatural was.) **Edit: I'm sorry, I know this is not what you came here for. The next one is Destiel :)

Crabstickz Story

I stood outside the pub, wondering what kind of weirdo Rebecca had set me up with this time. I took a deep breath and looked down at my outfit, an it suddenly seemed too provocative, despite being the most casual outfit I could find without being too conservative.

I took a deep breath and walked in. I spotted my date sitting at the bar, and the back of his head looked nice at least.

"Chris?" I asked tentatively.

He turned around and smiled and waved at me, which was when I got my first look at his face.

He had ruffled light brown hair swept to one side, and as I got closer, I could see that his eyes were a dark hazel color.

I sat down next to him and ordered a drink. Then I introduced myself and he said his name was Chris Kendall. Chris Kendall?? My favorite youtuber Crabstickz??? Did Rebecca know...?

But he was still talking.

"You might know me from..." He seemed reluctant to finish that sentence.

"YouTube," I finished for him, " Crabstickz."

"So you've heard of me then?"

"Well... I'm a fan." I giggled nervously at the understatement.

He seemed to find my awkwardness - dare I say it - cute.

"Do you want to... Ditch the pub and go to dinner?" He asked me.

I was astonished, but of course I said yes, how could I not? I won't bore you with the details, but lets just say it was the best first date I've ever been on.


So there you go! I wrote that for a writing contest on Instagram, back when I still used Instagram. Thankyou all so much for your support :). Until next time, keep on keepin on!

Edit: you don't have to vote for this one it's kinda stupid >~<

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