Story Seventeen

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A/N: Hello ^_^ So an update about... well, you'll see.

"Oh, come on Dean. You're in denial," Sam said.

"No, I'm not. There's nothing going on," I protested.

This wasn't the first time we had had this argument, and it wouldn't be the last.

"Oh, please. You like Cas and you know it."

"Sure, I like him. Platonically."

"Really? 'Cause the word he used was 'agape,'" Sam said, smirking.

"Yeah, well..." I said, trying to come up with a good response. "He's just a friend."

"Mhm. So you're saying all the flirting...?"

"Flirting? C'mon, man. I don't flirt with Cas."

"You guys always stand really close together."

"Not my fault the guy doesn't understand personal space."

"You're always staring at each other."

"What, is eye contact a crime, now?" I said sarcastically.

"You kept the coat," he reminded me.

"Anyone else would've done the same thing."

"He always comes when you call him."

Sam seemed pretty determined to prove me wrong on this one.

"We have a 'more profound bond,'" I reminded him.

"A bond called 'love.'"

"We're not in love. Shut up."

I was losing this one. You can tell I'm losing an argument when I start saying "shut up."

"Honestly, I don't know where you're getting this," I said, trying to talk my way out of it.

"You kissed him didn't you?"

"What? No, dude, we've never kissed."

"Right..." He said, drawing the word out so that it was clear he didn't believe me.

"Shut up, Sam. I mean it, this isn't funny anymore."

"You're like a twelve-year-old girl denying her crush."

"What? I'm nothing like a twelve-year-old girl denying her crush. I mean, there is no crush. I don't know what you're taking about. Shut up, Sam, just shut up."

Based on this cutiecute video:

I've been watching/listening to this a lot lately and I had to write something about it. So yeah, hope you enjoyed, don't forget to vote, and until next time, keep on keepin on!

P.S. Go watch the video. Do it.

P.P.S. I'm not sure if links actually work so you might have to copy-paste into your web bar thing. It's worth it. Do it.

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