Story Thirty

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A/N: Sooooo what's up? I got some comments on my last one-shot and I think I'll make it into its own book? I'll start working on the next chapter, but for now, here's this! (Pre-established)

Dean slammed the door of the bunker behind him. He cursed as he tried to shake frigid water off his clothes. Castiel stood behind Dean, water from his clothes dripping in a slow, steady rhythm.

Sam appeared in the doorway.

"Hey, guys, so get thi-" he cut himself off and paused to take in the two dripping men. "What happened to you guys?"

"We got caught in the storm," Castiel answered.

"Wait, seriously? You guys didn't go dancing in the rain or something?" Sam joked.

"Yeah, seriously," Dean spoke up. "C'mon, Cas, let's go take a shower," he said, grabbing the angel's hand and pulling him past Sam towards the bathroom.

Dean closed the bathroom door and started to take off his shirt, not able to stand the sopping fabric any longer.

"Dean, could we take a... a bubble bath?" Cas asked sheepishly.

Dean paused halfway through pulling off his pants.

"A bubble bath? What are we, five-year-old girls?"

"Okay, we can take a shower instead," Cas said dejectedly.

Dean sighed. He hadn't meant to upset his boyfriend, and truthfully a bubble bath didn't sound so bad.

"Alright, I give in," Dean conceded. "We can take a bubble bath."

He proceeded to strip off his soggy boxers and filled the tub while Cas did the same, smiling to himself. The two men lowered themselves into the bubbles.

Cas settled between Dean's knees, and both sank into the warm water, which was a wonderful contrast to the bone-chilling rain now pounding on the dirt above the bunker's ceiling.

Cas flipped over so that they lay chest to chest, his arms slug over Dean's shoulders and his face pressed into the hollow of Dean's neck.

"You're right," Dean murmured, his fingers tracing patterns on his lover's back. "This is better than a shower."

Ugh I had been putting off writing this for a long time because I thought it would be too cliché but I'm actually pretty happy with how it turned out. I hope you guys were too. Also, I want all of you guys to know how much I love you. Like seriously, if I could meet you all I would give you cookies and then hug each of you for an acceptable amount of time and then boop your nose (if you would allow me to). Whether you have been with me since the beginning or just power-read through all 30 stories, I would like to thank you all for reading and voting and commenting and PMing me and following me and just being here in general. See you guys. Don't forget to vote, and until next time, keep on keepin on.

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