Story Nine

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A/N: Hey guys! :) So it's been a while hasn't it? I'm sorry about that; my phone wasn't working for some unknown reason and I have no other ways to upload stories. I just got it working again today, so hopefully you guys enjoy this fic I've written, in Castiel's POV again (I'm sorry in advance)

I watched as Dean walked down the isle towards me, looking sharp in his tailored black suit, and the butterflies in my stomach fluttered harder than ever. He was halfway down the isle now.

I looked around at the small amount of guests that had gathered for our wedding: Sam, of course, Bobby, Kevin, Anna, Charlie, and only a few more.

My excitement mounted as Dean approached the altar. He smiled at me as we joined hands. He recited his vows perfectly, but I could barely get mine out over the emotion that stuck in my throat.

Happy tears leaked from my eyes as he leaned in to kiss me; I had been waiting for this moment since the day I met him. Suddenly, my happy tears turned to pained sobs as I woke up in the dark. The bed was cold without Dean next to me.

He was gone, they were all gone, and tears streamed down my face because I knew that they would never come back.

The year was 2120, and Dean Winchester was dead.

Wow. That was shorter than I intended... But I hope it was up to par. Sorry if I made you feel stuff. Until next time, keep on keepin on.

Edit: I'm sorry I'm a bad person for uploading this. But it would be cool if you voted for it? ... Yeah I thought not.

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