Story Thirty-One

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A/N: okay guys this wasn't what I was planning on uploading (my planned fic is not actually done whoops) but I found it scribbled on a piece of scrap paper IN ALL CAPS so I figured it was worth uploading anyway

Dean cradled the dying angel in his arms.

"Cas, buddy, don't die on me now," he begged.

"I'm... so sorry Dean."

And he was dead.

Dean felt Cas's wings burning across his chest and arms, but he didn't care, it didn't matter.

All that mattered in that moment was that his best friend had just died in his arms, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

I know it was short, but that was copied literally word-for-word from a little crinkled up piece of paper so I hope it was... enjoyable. New story coming soon! It's actually taking a lot longer than I intended, but I blame that mostly on school and crap. Also I just realized you guys hardly know anything about me, so should I give you a few facts or something? Comment, bro! Don't forget to vote, and until next time, keep on keepin on!

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