Story Two

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A/N: Hey guys! So second upload! Woo! In this one Cas is an angel. They are not together idk just some fluff.

Dean watched as Sam fell to the ground, a bloody knife sticking out of his back.

"Sammy!" He cried.

He rushed forward to help him but it was too late. The light had left Sam's eyes. All that was left of him was an empty, bloody corpse.



Not again.

Suddenly Dean sat up in bed.


Sam sat up quickly, startled out of his sleep.

"What's wrong!? Demons?" Half awake, he grabbed for the salt-loaded gun under his pillow and scanned the motel room for any danger.

"Just another nightmare," Dean mumbled.

Sam, irritated at having been woken up for nothing, muttered something unintelligible and fell instantly back asleep.

Dean, heart hammering, heaved himself out of bed and walked to the bathroom. He splashed some cold water in his face, and started to calm down. Then someone spoke behind him.

"Hello, Dean."

He started and turned around.

"Jesus Christ!"

Cas cocked his head to the side, confused.

"Jesus Christ? Jesus is my half-brother. I am Castiel."

"I know.. I meant... Never mind. Why are you here, Cas?"

"You had a nightmare."

How could he know that? Then it dawned on Dean's sleepy brain.

"You were spying on my dream?" Dean questioned, raising both eyebrows. He meant to sound angry but he just sounded tired.

"I was watching over you. You were afraid, Dean. I came to offer comfort."

Dean didn't mean to get annoyed with Cas, but he was tired and when he was tired he got cranky.

"Do what you want, Cas," he said irritably, "but I'm going back to bed."

And with that Dean turned around and dragged himself back into bed. He knew Cas was standing there watching him, but he couldn't bring himself to care.

When Dean was just on the verge of sleep, he felt Cas slip into bed beside him. He meant to tell Cas to go home but he couldn't make his mouth work, so he let it be and promptly fell asleep with Cas next to him.

That night Dean didn't have any more nightmares.

Yay! Hope you guys enjoyed that. Sorry it was a little short >.<

Also grand total of two views... not sure how I feel about that...

Edit: I would forever appreciate it if you could vote ^_^

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