Story Twenty

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A/N: Hi everyone :) So I guess it has been a while since I wrote a real Author's Note up here... and I still don't have one to write up here right now. Enjoy the story! Also, this is pre-established Destiel, like most of the stuff I write... (plus human Cas)

"Cas, let's watch a movie," Dean suggested.


Cas put on Finding Nemo, his favorite movie, and climbed into bed with his boyfriend, cuddling close to him and wrapping them both in blankets.

Dean didn't care much for the animated movie about fish, but it made Cas happy so he pretended to watch it. Mostly, though, he was just enjoying Castiel's company.

Dean watched Cas as he reacted to the movie. Definitely not adorable. Nope. Dean sighed contentedly and looked back at the screen. It was Nemo's first day at school.

Cas gasped as Nemo swam out to touch the "butt," and looked at Dean to see his reaction. Dean hurriedly wiped the grin off his face and tried to look as worried as Cas did, but he must not have done a good job because Cas saw right through him.

"You weren't watching, were you, Dean?" He accused playfully.

"What? I-- of course I was watching. Shut up."

Cas turned back to the TV, a small smile on his face.

After that, Dean started paying attention to the movie, and found himself captivated in spite of himself. It was actually a pretty good story, and the father's devotion to his kid made Dean feel happy inside.

At the end of the movie, Dean looked over at Cas to say something and realized that the sleepy human had fallen asleep. Dean smiled to himself and, after checking to make sure Cas was really asleep, started the movie over.

So what? He had missed the beginning last time, so it only made sense to watch it again, right?

Can you say "new obsession?" Because if you can't I'd say Finding Nemo may or may not be Dean's new obsession. Okay, I'm gonna go. This week we talked about movies and Nemo and cuddling and I don't even know annnd bye! (Reference there. Points if you get it) Don't forget to vote, and until next time, keep on keepin on!

P.S. Wow short and I feel like it kinda took me too long to update... but hope you liked it!

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