Sherlock Holmes - Detecting the Game

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I've just watched season four of Sherlock on Netflix and I'm SO DISTRESSED. KILL ME PLEASE.

It all started on a Monday, in my opinion, the absolute worst day of the week to start anything. I got out of bed for work to find three new text messages. Two were from Greg Lestrade and the other was from my sister, Samantha.

Greg: Hey I just heard you've been promoted to Detective! Congratulations!
Greg: That means you're going to be working under me now. We have a case today, so that should be a fun start. Meet me at the Wellington's house at 9, and don't you dare be late.
Sami: Hey, (Y/N)! I'm sorry, something came up so I'm going to have to cancel our lunch plans. We'll reschedule though, yeah?

I groaned and looked at the time. It was 8:26 and it took about 15 minutes to get to the Wellington's house from where I live. I quickly got ready, grabbing a bagel from my kitchen first, and headed straight to my car. The drive there was, needless to say, painful. But traffic jams are always bound to happen in Central London. I finally got to my destination at 9:06. Stupid traffic.

"Hey (Y/N)! Being six minutes late isn't good for your first day. What's your excuse?" Greg huffed over to me, expressing his words in mock disappointment.

"I've worked for the Scotland Yard for three years, Greg. And traffic jams are just time killers, aren't they?" I deadpanned. "So what do we have for my first case?" Once I finished speaking I heard a chime and checked my phone. Just new notifications. I turned it off just as quickly and put it into my back pocket.

"You have nothing if I've already solved it. It was the gardener. Case closed, let's go John." I look over to see a tall man with dark curls speaking.

"Yeah really? And who do you think you are, pal? You can't just solve my case with a few glances. Highly doubtful." I said to him, crossing my arms.

"Oh I'm Sherlock Holmes, so of course I can solve it with a few glances. If you can't do the same then maybe you should quit now, (Y/N)." He says with a smirk.

My mouth hangs open in shock for a few seconds before it turns into a frown when I realize how he got my name. "You got that from my security clearance card on my lanyard didn't you?"

He nodded. "That's not all I got from you, (Y/N). You're single, anger issues no doubt, and you're left handed. How do I know? From the way you're dressed it's obvious you're looking for someone, so single. Your anger issues were apparent by the way you snapped at me the second I opened my mouth. And I can tell you're left handed from the lead marks on the side of your hand from dragging your hand across a page while writing, possibly drawing."

I nodded and smiled in approval. "Yea, you're not wrong, but you wanna know what I got from you? The way your hand shakes is caused from past drug use, no doubt recent. You just shaved this morning because there's still a little shaving cream on your face. And, most importantly, you're always looking for a challenge. That's why you're challenging me right now, isn't it Sherlock?" He grinned at me. "Thanks for the chat, Sherlock, but I'm going to get back to my job now. We'll chat later, yeah?"

I turned away and looked over the case. After about five minutes of reading and looking at the scene I groaned as I got the same conclusion Sherlock did. I looked back over at him, as he was still standing there in silence, probably waiting for me to say he was right.

"So, (Y/N), who did it?" Sherlock said, amusement coating his voice.

I groaned again and sighed. "The gardener."

"But why? What's her motive? How'd she do it?" Excitement filled his voice slightly.

"Her motive was jealously. She worked for the family for 30 years, never got a raise or a thank you, and that's all she wanted. She wanted appreciation for her work. Then they hired a much younger man as a gardener, and since she was getting old he was meant to take her place eventually. They praised the newbie for her work, and she got angry. So she killed her replacement and Mr. Wellington and escaped. Plain and simple vanilla case." I shut the folder with all of the information and handed it back to Lestrade.

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