Death the Kid - Perfect - Requested

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Requested by LlamaMorph
Btw sorry if this is bad I haven't seen Soul Eater in a while, but I'm trying my best.
(Y/F/N) - Your Full name
(F/F/N) - Friend's Full Name

I walked through the doors of my new school, Death Weapon Meister Academy. Shortly following behind me was my partner and best friend, (F/N). I was the meister in our pair, and she was my weapon. She could transform into a katana, which I thought was pretty cool. We continued walking down the hallway to Lord Death's room since we were new and he requested that we meet him there on the first day. I walked in, (F/N) following shyly behind me. 

"Hello, hello, hello! You must be (Y/F/N) and (F/F/N)! I am Lord Death, the creator of this school! Now since you both are new I'm going to have my son escort you to class. Kid! Come here for a second!" Lord death spoke like he was full of energy. 

After Lord Death finished speaking, a teenager about our age stepped out from behind him. I noticed he was perfectly symmetrical, well, except for his hair. I honestly thought he was pretty cute though. He looked over at me, scanning me with wide-eyes. His eye twitched and his nose started bleeding before he incoherently said something and fell over.

"Umm, Lord Death? Is he okay?" I asked quietly, my voice full of curiosity. Lord Death looked over at his now passed out son, sighing and rubbing the back of his head.

"Yea he's fine. He does this sometimes." He responded. "KID!" He shouted at his son, who shot straight up. "Kid can you please get up and escort them to class?"

Kid nodded and got up from the floor, brushing himself off. He looked at me again, observing every detail about me. He mumbled something once more before speaking up. "Follow me, class is this way." And with that, he started walking away.

"So... why'd you pass out back there?" I asked, walking next to him with my arms folded behind my back. 

A blush crept across his features. "I don't know."

"Well okay...?" I stopped walking for a second and waited for (F/N), who was behind us. "So how are you holding up?"

"I'm doing pretty good. I find it both adorable and funny that he passed out over you." she giggled at the last bit.

"He didn't though.... did he?" I questioned, directing it more towards myself than her.

"It's pretty obvious dude." She rolled her eyes at me and walked ahead of me, leaving me at the back so I could have time to think. Before I had time to actually think it over, we arrived to class.

"You're late again, Kid." The teacher spoke in a semi-monotone voice.

"I had to show the new kids where to go." Death rolled his eyes at the teacher and walked to his seat.

"So can you introduce yourselves?" the teacher rolled over to us in his office chair, sitting on it backwards with a cigarette hanging in his mouth. "I'm Professor Stein." He had an insane glint in his eyes and stitches everywhere, but I brushed it off.

"I'm (Y/F/N) and I'm a meister. This is my partner (F/F/N) and she's my weapon." I spoke clearly for the class to hear, my friend standing shyly behind me. "So where do you want us to sit?"

"Just sit anywhere." Stein said, waving towards the seats, and rolled back to where he came from. I quickly scanned the room and, seeing there were two empty seats by Kid, decided to go and sit next to him. "Now today class, we are going to be dissecting an endangered animal called...." I zoned out to what he was saying, staring at kid out of the corner of my eye. Turns out he was staring back, just less subtle. I heard him mumbling about symmetry but I wasn't really listening. 

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