AmazingPhil - Cookies

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Second oneshot in a day! Damn these things are hard to write! The last one took me three and a half hours so I assume it's gonna take just as long for this one. I might actually make this one shorter than my normal oneshots which are about 1500 words so I'm sorry. Well time to get on with it.  

I walk into Dan and Phil's apartment. Since I was currently dating Phil it didn't seem like that big of a deal. I thought about moving in with them but three people living in such a small apartment seems a bit much. And besides, Phil needs his space. Once I walk into the lounge I see Dan sitting on the couch on his computer. 

"Hi, (Y/N). Phil's in the kitchen." Dan says, briefly looking up from his computer.

"Thanks, Dan." I smile at him, walking into the kitchen. I would've started a conversation, but he didn't seem like he was in one of his social moods so I decided to leave him alone.

"Phil! I got you something! Well.. not you in particular but kind of everyone but whatever it doesn't matter." I rambled on, walking into the kitchen.

"Hey (N/N), what'd you get then?" He smiled, kissing your forehead.

I put the grocery bag I had been carrying onto the counter. "We are going to be making my super cookies!" 

"Super cookies?" He questioned.

"Mhm. There's chocolate chips, peanut butter chips, and m&ms in them. It's like diabetes as a cookie." I said casually, taking out everything I brought and setting it on the counter.

"Can I help make them?" he smiled at me.

"I was just about to ask you if you wanted to." I leaned up and kissed his cheek. "Now, we got to get a bowl, some butter, oil, sugar, flour, salt, baking soda, vanilla extract an-" Phil was rushing to get the ingredients.

"Can you slow down a bit?" He laughed.

"Oh, right, sorry! Do you need me to repeat anything?" I laughed back.

"Okay so I got the butter, sugar, flour, and salt. What were the other things you needed?" He said, handing me the things he got.

"We need some oil, baking soda and vanilla extract." I said slowly. As he got the rest of the things out I started getting the tools we would need, like measuring cups, a rubber spatula *NOT the kind you flip burgers with* and the beaters. While he was busy getting something I got out my ipod and started playing Toxic by A Static Lullaby. 

"Hey Phil do you hear that? It sounds like music." I smirk at him.

"Oh no." He smirked back. He lip synced along to the music and I just laughed. We started dancing to it together, making our cookies as we did. 

"I love you Phil." I smiled, looking up at him.

"I love you too (N/N)." And with that he kissed me. 

Before we could break apart I heard Dan walk in. "So what are you guys even d- oh, eww. Guys the kitchen is for food, not for that." Phil and I break apart, laughing.

"We are making cookies if you want some later on." I say, continuing to mix the ingredients.

"Sweet." Dan says, walking out of the kitchen.

"Okay so did we get everything?" Phil asks.

"Nope we still gotta add the three most important things." I grin, grabbing the bags of chocolate chips, peanut butter chips, and m&ms. I grabbed a handful of the m&ms, putting them into the mixture. "Wanna grab some of the others and put them in?" I ask. He grins and takes a handful of the chocolate chips, throwing them in. I do the same with the peanut butter chips, eating a couple. After we get everything mixed and rolled into balls, we put them into the oven. "These are gonna be great! High five Phil!" I say, holding up my hand for a high five, which he gives me.

"We are the greatest bakers ever!" Phil grins. "You wanna go into the living room and watch Doctor Who?"

"Yes! And we can go and bother Dan." I grin, "But let's take these with us." I say grabbing the bag of m&ms. With that we walked into the lounge and sat on the same couch Dan was on. "Hey Dan, wanna watch Doctor Who with us?"

"Sure." He says, putting his laptop away. "But you better share your m&ms."

I sighed, looking like I was contemplating the most life changing thing of my life. "Fine." I said, pointing the hole in the bag towards him.

Half way through the Doctor Who episode I heard the oven beep. I sprinted to the kitchen and got them out, setting them on large plate. These are gonna be good!

"The cookies are officially done!" I say, walking back into the lounge with a large plate of cookies and three glasses of milk. "Thank you for helping me make them Phil." I say, kissing him softly before sitting down next to him.

"No problem (N/N)." He smiled at me.

And for the rest of the day we sat eating cookies and watching Doctor Who.

~ Extended Ending ~

I run into Phil's room, my ipod at my side playing No One Like You by Scorpion. 

"(N/N) what are you doing?" He said, sitting up from his bed and looking at me, grinning.

"I found another song for you." I grin back, walking over and kissing him.

As it gets to the chorus he starts to sing it, not very well but it's the thought that counts. "There's no one like you, I can't wait for the nights with you." He laughs as he sings it, and I join in.

"I imagine the things we'd do, I just wanna be loved by you." I sing with him, also laughing. I hug him, falling over onto the bed with him. "I love you Phil." I smile, kissing him on the cheek.

"I love you too (Y/N)." He smiles happily, before kissing me. After talking for what seemed like hours, we fell asleep in eachothers arms.

Sorry it's so short guys, I tried. But it didn't really need to be dragged out that far tbh. I hope you guys enjoyed it and I'll see you later!

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