707/Saeyoung [Mystic Messenger] - Water Fight [Slight NSFW/ Lemony]

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A/N: Hello everyone! The last time I updated this book was four years ago, oh my god! That's just crazy to me. First of all, thank you all for the continued support with likes, comments, favorites, etc, after all this time. I really appreciate every single one of you! Second of all, I wrote the majority of this story about two years ago, and I was cleaning out my google drive and stumbled across it. It was getting pretty heated at the end of it, but I can't remember my train of thought for the story and I don't feel like writing a full smut fic out of this haha so it is slightly zesty, if you will, towards the end, but nothing really terrible at all. Just a warning in case anything like that makes you uncomfortable!! I don't know if I'll update anything else after this because I'm busy in college and living life and I don't have a lot of time or motivation to write stuff like this anymore, but if I find any other old drafts that are salvageable I might post them here. We will see!! Anyways, enough of that, I hope you enjoy it!!


I crouched behind the sofa, covering my mouth to muffle my heavy breathing. I could hear my heartbeat drum in my ears from the physical activity and feel the cold gun weigh in my hands.

"Oh (Y/N)~." Saeyoung's mischievous tone of voice drew out my name as he walked into the room. "I know you're in here, (Y/N)! Come out, come out, wherever you are!" He chuckled to himself as he slowly paced around the room, trying to find me. Little did he know, I had the upper hand.

In one swift movement, I jumped up from my hiding spot, aimed my sights at the little redhead, and fired. Water squirted from my gun and drenched him. "Gotcha!" I shouted triumphantly as I emptied the water tank of the squirt gun onto his shocked figure.

"Oh no you don't!" He exclaimed in surprise, flicking his wet hair out of his eyes before he started rapidly firing water at me. I squealed in shock at the cold water hitting my skin before ducking back behind the sofa. I heard his footsteps run across the room to jump on the couch and attack me from above, covering me in even more water than before. As he continued to empty his water tank on my head, I made a run for the door, dashing to the kitchen sink to refill my ammo. The stream of water from his gun didn't stop as I exited the room.

"Noo! Come on, fill up faster!" I yelled at my water gun as I desperately tried to make my weapon usable. And, luckily, just before my gun finished filling up, Saeyoung ran out of water. As I screwed on the cap to my water tank, I looked at him with a mischievous grin on my face and a glint in my eye.

His face dropped with panic. "Now... (Y/N), baby, uhh let's talk about this!" He chuckled nervously as he held up his hands, one of them holding his gun, and slowly backed away.

"Sorry baby, no mercy." I laughed as he started running. I aimed and fired, the stream of water hitting his back and soaking through his shirt and running down his pants. I also got his hair pretty wet as he was running. But before I could get any more shots in, he ducked in the bathroom and closed the door.

"I demand a hide-and-seek countdown, babe! You can't keep me locked in this bathroom forever." He said from behind the door above the sound of the sink running. I tapped my chin in thought and let out an annoyed hum.

"You're just scared you're not gonna win, but fine, I'll allow it." I replied, trotting back to the kitchen to top off my water tank before closing my eyes and facing the wall. "One!" I started loudly, immediately hearing the door to the bathroom open and footsteps walk around the house. "Two... Three..." I continued counting as he went to go hide. The counting continued until I reached..."Thirty! Ready or not, here I come! You have no chance, Saeyoung." I shouted out as I started pacing around the house, walking towards where I heard the footsteps earlier.

As I walked down the hallway, I shifted my gaze to our bedroom door, which had the door slightly open. I tsked playfully before opening the door quickly, pointing my gun around the room as I tried to find my target. "Saeyoung~." I mulled, "Hasn't anyone ever taught you how to close a door?"

Just as I said that, I heard a door open from behind me and felt water pelt my back. "Aha! Got you, (Y/N)! Hasn't anyone ever taught you what a trap is?" I quickly turned around and started spraying him back with water before I noticed what room he came out of.

"Saeyoung! You cheater! I thought we agreed that Saeran's room was off-limits." I pouted, hiding behind the door to our room with my back against the wall. "He's gonna kill you if he finds out you were in there." Saeyoung walked through the door and looked at me with a grin, his entire being soaked with water. I bit my lip as I looked him up and down, my eyes trailing from his wet hair down to his soaked shirt that clung to his abs and even further to his dripping sweatpants.

"Well he doesn't have to find out, does he?" He whispered as he walked towards me slowly and looked me up and down in return. "You're not gonna tell on me, are you?" His voice lowered as he closed the gap between us, dropping his water gun to cage me in between his arms. I dropped my gun as well, putting one hand on his jaw and the other on the back of his neck before slowly guiding his face toward mine. Our lips connected with a spark and one of his hands quickly made its way to my face; his slender fingers slid along my jawline as he pulled my face closer and deepened the kiss. My hands tangled into his wet hair and I hummed in pleasure as his tongue slid along my bottom lip.

He slowly pulled away and looked me in the eyes, his golden ones filled with lust and love. "God..." he sighed, "You're so beautiful, (Y/N)." I felt a blush and a smile creep up on my face, but before I could reply, he leaned in once more to kiss me. I wrapped both my arms around his neck, with my hands immediately finding their way into Saeyoung's hair once again, and pulled him closer. His tongue once again slid under my bottom lip to ask for entrance and I immediately granted it, letting our tongues clash and glide across each other pleasurably. I hummed a soft sigh as he detached his lips from mine and brought them to my neck, trailing kisses down my neck and along my collarbone. I moaned softly as he left hickeys and tilted my head to grant him better access to my neck.

"Mmm, Saeyoung..." I started before inhaling sharply at the feeling of his hand trailing up my body and gripping onto my covered breast. "Mmm isn't... uhh didn't..." I gasped once more as I felt his cold hand on my warm skin as his hand crept under my shirt and kneaded my breast softly with my bra in the way. My head clouded nicely as I felt his touch on my skin. "Didn't you say Saeran was going to be home around this time?" I sighed out. "I don't want to get caught or anything, that'd be a little embarrassing."

He stopped what he was doing before looking me in the eyes with a sweet smile. "Don't worry, baby, he texted me while I was in the bathroom earlier and said he was going to spend the night at Yoosung's since it's getting so late." At that he leaned in closer to my ear and lowered his voice, "We can do whatever we want and be as loud as we want."

With that, it was a go for me. I turned his face and collided my lips with his, wrapping my arms back around his neck. Our mouths opened at the same time and our tongues clashed, fighting for dominance. I pushed back from the wall and stumbled us towards the bed before pushing him back onto it and climbing on top of him. He grinned as I unbuttoned his wet green shirt and took it off of him, throwing it in some unknown spot on the floor. He gripped my ass as I leaned down and started passionately kissing him. I trailed my kisses from his lips to his jaw and down to his neck and collarbone, once in a while stopping to lightly suck on his skin and leave hickeys. I trail my hands up and down his abs and he softly groans in my ear, making me smile.

His hands trail from my ass to the hem of my shirt, tugging at the wet fabric before I leaned back up to pull it off my body and throw it elsewhere. My bra was next to go as I quickly unclasped it and threw it as well. His eyes gleamed as he rolled us over, which put him on top. As his lips made contact with my neck once more and left passionate kisses down my body, slowly making their way towards my breasts, we heard the loud creak of the front door opening. I gasped in shock and pushed Saeyoung off of me, quickly reaching for the throw blanket at the bottom of the bed.

"Hey! I forgot my charger and my phone died so I decided to come home instead. Is anyone here?" I hear Saeran yell from the living room. "Oh my god, ew, why is the floor wet?? Now my sock is soaking..." he mutters not long after.

Saeyoung laughs at his brother's annoyance– and my blushing embarrassment– before jumping up and heading towards the bedroom door. "Sorry about that, we'll clean it up! We'll just be in our room, have a good night Saeran~" Saeyoung yelled out from the doorway, slamming the door before Saeran could properly reply. He giggled to himself before looking back towards me on the bed with sparkling eyes and a sly grin. "Now where were we, (Y/N)?~"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2023 ⏰

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