Maven Calore - A Dancing Flame

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Written December 7. I found this one also in my google drive. Sorry I didn't upload it. It wasn't an x reader at first, so I had to change that. It's not really that good but oh well. Also, I just felt that I should point out that the picture for this is my kindle wallpaper hahaha I'm trash.

House Provos - Gold and Black - Telekinesis

The pleasant aroma of (Fave Food) swept around him like a warm blanket as she drew close to him. She was of the House Provos, the ability of telekinesis bestowed upon her at birth. She was here at the palace with her house and all of the other houses for the annual ball for when the royal court returns to their palace in the capital.

"Ah Prince Maven, how lovely to see you again." Her gentle voice carried across the space in between them as she smiled a genuine smile paired with a polite curtsy.

"Lady (Y/N), how have you been since I last saw you?" He said, exchanging the formality. He gracefully took her hand and kissed her knuckles, bowing slightly in the process. Her smile grew wider as she giggled softly. One thing Maven loved about (Y/N) was how genuine she was with her feelings. She wasn't afraid of them like the rest of the Silvers, and she didn't hide behind her ability.

"I've been just the same, but otherwise well. What about you, Maven?" She said, carrying out the conversation.

"I've missed you." He grinned. Her cheeks tinted silver and she grinned.

"I'm sure you have." She joked. "Shall we dance?"

"Of course." He replied, holding his hand out for her to take. She gracefully accepted as he led her out to the ballroom floor to dance. The lighting of the room made her gold and black ball gown shimmer. As they started to dance, Maven whispered to her. "You look beautiful, by the way."

She blushed once more but grinned. "You don't look too bad yourself, handsome." It was now his turn to feel the heat rising to his cheeks, as much as he didn't want it to. Heat radiated off of Maven like a well-lit fireplace, and (Y/N) loved it. She stepped closer to him as they danced, slightly resting her head on his shoulder.

"I've missed this." She whispered. He smiled and she looked up at him with a grin. "And I've also missed you being my personal heater. You're always so warm and I love it."

He laughed, his eyes crinkling at the edges. "Of course, that's the only thing you miss about me. My warmth."

She laughed as well, deciding to continue to play along with the joke. "Well, of course! What else should I miss? Those gorgeous eyes of yours? Granted, I did miss those extremely." She smirked softly, looking straight into his icy-blue eyes.

"Hmm. I could think of more things you could have missed, like my charming personality for one." He laughed.

(Y/N) laughed along with him, resting her head back on his shoulder as they swayed. "Who wouldn't miss that, my prince?"

He smiled softly, swaying back and forth with the girl he was falling madly in love with. He was only sixteen, yet he felt so sure. "Would you like to get some drinks?" Maven asked softly.

She looked back up at him and softly nodded. They danced to the edge of the ballroom before walking over to the refreshment table. There were goblets of sparkling gold drinks, flavored beverages, and waters. Both (Y/N) and Maven grabbed goblets of water and drank quietly as they observed the crowd of dancing people. Maven chuckled to himself, seeing his brother, Cal, dancing with a girl that he knew Cal hated.

"Should we go save Cal? It could also give you time to catch up with him." He looked over to (Y/N), but her eyes were still searching the crowd. Once she finally spotted Cal and his irritating dance partner, she laughed as well.

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