Bill Denbrough - Sick & Worried

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To those who are wondering why I'm posting and if I'm off hiatus, I am not. I am only posting this because I found it in one of my google drive folders. In my opinion, it's unfinished. So, if you'd like me to write a part two I can try my best. I wrote this in September last year and thought I was going to finish it, that's why it hasn't been posted yet. Sorry for being inactive on this book, but thank you for your support. I hope you all have had a happy new year!

It was a Saturday evening and here I was, laying on my living room couch sick, again. It was Bill's fault, honestly. I went over to his house a couple times since I felt bad that he got sick, not thinking at the time that I would get it too. I sneezed, wiping my nose with the tissue currently in my hand.

"Thanks, Bill." I muttered to myself.

"Did you say something, dear?" My mother shouted from the kitchen.

"No." I yelled back weakly.

I sneezed again before cuddling into my blankets even further. I was pretty sure Bill was still sick too, but he was almost over it. The rain tapped on the window rhythmically and the lights flickered. It's been raining for days. My mom was pretty sure that the power was going to go out today, so I haven't been allowed to watch TV since if it does, she doesn't want to blow a fuse or something like that. Suddenly, the telephone beside me started to ring.

"Can you get that, sweetie?" My mom called out, once again from the kitchen.

I mumbled out a "Yeah" before picking up the phone. "Hello, (L/N) residency." I said automatically.

"H-hi (y-y-y/n) it's Bill." After that, I heard a sneeze.

"Oh hi, Bill! I'd like to thank you for getting me sick, really means a lot to me and my health." I said sarcastically.

"H-hey! You wuh-were the one t-that came over t-t-to my h-house!" He stammered, trying to defend himself.

"I know, but still, it makes it easier if I blame it on you." I laughed, which sent me into a coughing fit. I covered the phone receiver so he wouldn't have to hear me hack away before clearing my throat.

"Huh-how are you fuh-fuh-feeling?" He asked gently.

"Honestly? I feel absolutely awful." I said truthfully.

"I'm s-s-s-sorry. I'd cuh-come over and tuh-try to m-m-muh-make you f-feel better if I wuh-wasn't also s-s-sick." He replied, guilt apparent in his tone.

"Awe, it's okay, Bill. Maybe when you get better you can, though." I said with a smile.

"I'd luh-luh-lo-" He started saying before the phone went dead. All I could hear was the monotone ring of the phone in my ear and I sighed, putting the phone back on its stand. I was now sitting in complete darkness, the dead lights making it obvious that the power went out. My mother walked into the room with medicine, completely unfazed by the darkness of the room.

"Here, drink this, sweetie. It'll make you feel a lot better." She gave me a warm smile before handing me a little measuring cup full of a thick, purple fluid. I sighed before pouring it into my mouth. I was able to successfully swallow it down, but the taste of it made me gag. She put the back of her hand across my forehead before shaking her head and pulling away. "You've got a really bad fever, dear. Let's get you to bed. There's not much you're going to be able to do sitting on the couch in the dark, anyway." I nodded before she helped me stand and gently led me up the stairs to my room. I quickly got into bed before she said goodnight and shut my door behind her.


I woke up on Sunday to sniffles and more rain. I still felt awful, and the power was out so that was totally a bonus. I got out of bed and trudged downstairs to the smell of coffee and pancakes, but instead of eating, I curled up on the couch in a bundle of blankets once more. It kind of saddened me that I couldn't call Bill today since both the phone lines and the power was down, but since I was getting better I would probably see him tomorrow at school.

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